Your posts and others are very helpful. It's amazing the detail you pour into your plants. Very motivational. I've just started my first grow! My first seeds just sprouted and I am very excited to plant them in another day or two. It's some auto-flowering Bruce Banner. I doubt I'll ever put in the time that you do, hence the auto-flower for the first attempt. I'm actually hoping to give them a try outdoors once they get started and even try my hand at a cutting or two for the woods.
Nice! Make sure to post your updates. Just don’t for the #cannabis tag :)
That’s awesome man. I can’t wait to see your progress with this grow. Since these are autoflowers, one thing to keep in mind is that you can’t take cuttings off of them for cloning purposes.
I grew autos for the majority of the first two years I started growing cannabis. They are a really great way to get into growing, but they are also very easy to overstress. So just make sure you don’t shock them too much during their life or you can have stunted growth and other issues. Good luck man.
Thanks for the advice! Is there a tech reason that can't take cuttings off them, or just the stress? I was planning to try with one of the four I sprouted, and even try some of the "special" cutting growth ointments I've seen out there, I would sure love to try at least one of them to extend the use of the limited number of seeds I got, and to hopefully start some semi-wild growth outdoors to produce more seeds. I have plenty of nice secluded space to spread a few out in, but limited outdoor growth season here in Vermont. Was going to start them indoors, then move to 5 gallon buckets indoor at night /outdoor on back porch during day, then hoping to actually plant a couple in the field later in summer before the fall season sets in. You've already helped so much with your other posts, don't want to make a pest request, but any advice or thoughts certainly welcomed!
Autoflowers are bred with the ruderalis strain of cannabis that automatically pushes them into flower and because of that, they have a limited life cycle, unlike the photo period ones that you choose when they flower. Autos also don’t do well with stress, so you will also want to limit repotting.
Ah, didn't know about the ruderalis mix. So much interesting detail, the more you dig into it. Makes it even more fun for me. Thanks again for all the great real-world experience info!