In the heart of a quaint village, nestled under a sky painted with fluffy clouds, lay a vibrant community garden where neighbors gathered to cultivate their dreams. Rows of vegetables and flowers thrived under the tender care of the villagers, each plot a testament to their dedication and unity.
The air was filled with the scent of fresh earth and blooming plants, while the distant hum of bees and the occasional chirp of birds provided a soothing soundtrack. Amidst the greenery, a small greenhouse stood as a beacon of hope, nurturing delicate seedlings that promised a bountiful future. This garden was more than just a patch of land; it was a sanctuary of growth, friendship, and the simple joys of life.
Sis, what kind of flower is this? I've never seen it before.
Its Latin name is Centaurea montana, in English it's name is Cornflower:)))
Ok. Thank😊