LessHorrible Photography - Incoming Storm

Hey guys,

Thank you for stopping by! Today's photo has an interesting story. Two years ago, I hit a bit of a low and decided to challenge myself. I have always gotten strength out of setting myself goals and overcoming them. So, I planned a trip from my hometown in central Germany up north to the North Sea coast. It is only 510km, about 5-6h by car. The twist is that I was going to cycle it.

This meant that I would ride 100km each day on my bicycle, with a tent and some clothes on my back. It sounds more impressive than it is. The track was well maintained, a lot of the trail is on flat terrain. I was also very fortunate with the weather for the most part. Germany's North Sea coast is notorious for stormy weather, and it was on full display. The last 100km were agony, cycling against wind and rain. After some arduous hours on my bike, I reached Cuxhaven, my final destination. Luck being on my site, I stepped onto the beach with the sun shining on my face. The wind was very strong and carried sand, which felt like pins and needles.

With the weather being moody, one could see a storm gathering over the sea. Today's photo captured the moment when the sky was taken over by the storm and the last sun rays where reaching the beach. This was a truly majestic thing to see with my own eyes and no photo could ever replicate this moment.

I hope this picture allows you to transfer yourself there. Imagine the wind, the sand between your toes and on your skin, the smell of the sea and the warmth of the summer. You are welcome!


Thanks again for reading my little story! I hope you enjoyed today's post. If you did, feel welcome to follow me for more posts like this. Hope to see you in the next one.
