Utah Lake

This weekend I was lucky enough to get both of my sons. 'Tis the season of fishing so we grabbed some poles and tackle and hit up the lake. I wanted to try my hand at some photography with my Iphone 11 and get a bit more involved with the hobby.
I took the above photo with some of Utah's beautiful mountains in the background. I tried to position the photo so that it captured the lake, mountains, and sky but also didnt center any particular object. Notice the buoys spaced away from center.

In this photo I tried to bring more focus to the buoy. I'm not entirely sure where I heard this tip for photography, but I've been doing it since. The trick is that you do not center your photo on an object and you actually displace it from center. I'm not sure if that is a real trick or not, but I think the photos turn out better when utilized.

This photo is of my and my youngest boy. I love to capture photos when we are out. I want to keep the memories. Poor kid had shitty luck, however. He normally does pretty good, but he got skunked this day.

I snapped a photo of my boys walking to me from their fishing spot. They decided they wanted to try a different spot from where I was fishing. My oldest had a decent day and caught 4 fish: 3 mudcat and a white bass. He put his arms up to pretend like he was under arrest or something I guess 😄. Who knows?
"Our Haul"

I put that headline because my son had posted a picture when we got home to his snapchat and that is what he had said on the photo 😄. We caught a total of 16 fish. I threw the first one back because it was small (I should have just kept it as I caught two more that size) and I gave one away to a guy fishing next to us for catfish bait. We caught 3 mud cat and 13 white bass. I wish I had taken some photos of my oldest removing the hook, but I forgot as I was teaching him.

I have been showing my oldest how to fillet the fish, starting last weekend. This day I showed him a few times again and then had him fillet some fish. He filleted 3 fish and did really great for his first time. He does a great job of being teachable.
It was a great day for fishing, the best so far this year. The white are starting to spawn so it should really heat up here for a while. We stopped at the store on the way home and purchased some items to make fish tacos! They were delicious and the boys really enjoyed them. That is how they want to eat our fish from here on out 😄. I call that a total success!