Flower of intense colors.

¿Te gustan los colores y tonalidades intensas.?

Do you like colors and intense shades.?

No te vayas este post es para ti.

Don't go this post is for you.

Hoy traigo para compartir con ustedes unas fotos realizadas a una flor en mi jardín, fueron realizadas con el modo vivid de la configuración de set picture control de mi cámara, este modo resalta los colores intensos en las fotos, además se editaron en Lightroom para lograr el efecto deseando.

Today I bring to share with you some pictures taken to a flower in my garden, they were taken with the vivid mode of the set picture control configuration of my camera, this mode highlights the intense colors in the photos, in addition They were edited in Lightroom to achieve the desired effect.

Espero que las imágenes les guste, saludos cordiales, hasta un próximo post.

I hope you like the images, cordial greetings, until a next post.

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.


really beautiful flower

Thank you so much 🌺🌺

Wow 😲 photography.

Thank you 🙋

@Lindoro The most beautiful flower in Aceh is usually called the buffalo blood flower.

Thank you so much dear friend for the comments 🙋🙋