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RE: 🌼🥞 FIRST produce out of my garden : DANDELION PANCAKES ANYONE ??? 😉🌼

Last winter the coldest for me (ever) was -28 degrees Celsius… that’s something else hahaha

We have not got any snow yet. Still some frosty nights. Somehow it warmed up. This week is exceptionally warm for this area. Even the neighbours said, this is rare. We get around 8 degrees today and tomorrow it says even 10.
So I thought… let’s finish some painting on the outside of the cabin.
The base / foundation was in a need of some paint. I wanted to do it next spring. But am squeezing it in now. So it is better weather prove for the long winter to come. I finished 2 sides. Need more paint though. As more layers are needed.

That is a big difference. Wow. I hope the plants will be ok too. Crossing my fingers for you 🤞🏻

Have a wonderful day 😊

 4 months ago  

I hope that you could manage painting everything! It sounds so crazy to chase the weather from our perspective. There is never a time that we chase the weather, we always just sit back and let it roll in like the tide.

That is incredibly cold, I cannot even imagine that temperature! The coldest it gets here is about 8 C. The coldest I have experienced in South Africa was up north where it gets about -1 C, which is strange because it does not feel like that cold - up north it is very dry and the humidity is only about 20%, so it does not "feel" that cold.

I hope that this week is still not too cold!

One side / wall still to go. The other 3 needed 2 layers of paint. The weather hasn’t been helping with rains during the night so the walls are to wet to paint. Today it is misty… so very damp. I hope the wall can dry during the progression of the day. As Sunday more rain comes.
I can understand it is a strange concept for you.

Soon it is finished on the outside, I hope 🤞🏻🤞🏻 so I can continue on the inside.

Luckily here the humidity isn’t high either in the winter. Not like England of the Netherlands where it is cold to the bone. So it feels warmer than the temperatures. I know what you mean.

Luckily nothing too cold yet.
Have a wonderful weekend 👋🏻😊

 4 months ago  

Oh no, damp weather is a pain in the behind! We have 80% humidity on this side, and in the winter nothing dries. You need tumble driers just to get your clothes dry. I cannot imagine how the paint will react to the dampness!

I hope that you are on schedule with your project, and that it is not too cold!

I had high humidity when I lived in southern Spain… so I understand the winter part.

The wall didn't dry, and 2 days ago we had rain. So the bottom was washed away. Not fully but enough to see the dark grey under the new white paint. So I have to wait and redo those parts.
Temperature dropped significantly and day time is 0 degrees. Tomorrow the forecast is 79mm snow ❄️ continuing into Friday.

But… it looks like next week 2 days above 5 degrees. (8 and 10) so I hope to paint those days. As below 5 degrees I can not paint. It is tooooo cold for the paint. (Operating temperatures)

I am sure I will get it all done and fixed before the real winter starts 😁

I did have some time to carve some pumpkins for halloween 🎃 and write a story around it. If you have time, check out my last post 😎 it is funny hahaha 🤣
Have a great day and enjoy your Halloween, if you celebrate it.

 4 months ago  

Oh my, that seems like a crazy amount of snow for my brain that does not understand snow! Or who does not know it? I would not really cope with those temperatures, as I have come to love the year-round sun where I live!

Good luck with the painting, it sounds really interesting that you need to factor in the temperature! Some time that I never even though about.

Oh I will go and look! It is funny, they have tried to bring Halloween to South Africa for so many years now, and still after all the attempts it still fails, as we do not have the cultural history for it to take root. But I will check it out! Enjoy and keep well!

I just measured how deep the snow is right now. It is 11,5 cm deep. So a lot… don’t think it will defrost this week with the higher temperatures.
I don’t mind proper seasons… going from snow and cold days to a mild summer.

Haven’t been able to touch the area up with paint yet… as sson as the temperature goes above 5 degrees I will finish it 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 I am having high hopes for this week. Hahaha 🤣

Some places don’t have indeed the history to get it rooted. Thank you…
I haven’t really celebrated it, I don’t go all out with decorations like you see in America. But a few pumpkins are fun 🎃🎃

Have a great week!

 3 months ago  

The americans really give it their all with celebrations like that! Slowly, some of their stuff are becoming more prominent here, like gender reveal parties - which was never a thing as far as I remember only recently beginning to become popular under younger generations.

Oh my that is a lot of snow! And I guess it is seriously cold there as well! Again, my body will protest, because even though I do not like the extremely hot days I will take them over having extreme cold!