Wow… that’s still a long while away. I so hope the days go fast for you Joe.
Oh that’s so cool the bottom of the south island.
I understand, try to take it in with your eyes… there will be time to capture one day.
Crazy indeed.
Still. Have a good day 🤗 I hope with some breathers in between the job.
Rest every moment you can.
Thank you Jackie
Kaikoura offered me awesome views
I am very tired 😫
Hope you're keeping warm
You are welcome Joe 😃
Oh no… I hope you can take some more rest. The job is very demanding…
Do take care of yourself!
Yep… nice and cozy. All layered up. Yesterday during the day it was -17,5 degrees outside. Bbrrrrrr
The schedule doesn't look like am getting a rest until the Christmas break.
Guess where I am now? Invercargill the bottom of the South Island.
Am so tired I have not even taken a photo in Invercargill yet...
Wow… that’s still a long while away. I so hope the days go fast for you Joe.
Oh that’s so cool the bottom of the south island.
I understand, try to take it in with your eyes… there will be time to capture one day.
Crazy indeed.
Still. Have a good day 🤗 I hope with some breathers in between the job.
Rest every moment you can.
Thank you Jackie. I am getting a break today. Will go for a walk around Invercargill town in hunt for murals today.
Have a good evening.
You are welcome. Thats great to hear. Enjoy your walk and free time.
Thank you so much 😊