
Not pleasant at all and just back from one now!
Thanks for the hug 😊


Take care when all is off…
You are welcome.
Huggg 🤗 incoming 😉


Oh yes, always do as we are used to the power cuts now. We had an early one at 10am and another one soon at 6pm 😮

And a huggg on it's way back 😊 !PIZZA

Just wow…
I had some in Spain occasionally in the countryside… up in the mountains. But never like you are having.

Thanks a lot, received 😊🤗🤗

Wait, hear the latest. From today they moved our power cuts to higher level and we just came out of a 4 hour power cut now at 8pm. So things are going like the Titanic over here 😮


OMG that’s a long time… crazy. So sorry to hear that my friend.
Do take care.


Things are sadly not going well in the country, but such is life.
Thank you for the wish.