Hahaha that’s great… more in common we have than. I can see myself driving them. I’m a classic car girl before anything modern. 😉
Thanks Zac, and you are so welcome…
I understand and know. It’s sad most don’t read. But let’s do it for the few that do read. And for ourselves as a memory… safely kept. Like a diary 📔
Have a wonderful evening 😊🤗
I go one stage further in my mind, as I even talk to the passengers whilst I am driving all of the old cars that I see.🤣
Exactly like you say, it is mostly like a permanent journal.
Hope that you also will have a great evening.
Hahaha you got that on me, I don’t do that. But I will name a car and talk to it… as if it listens. Every time I would drive we start a conversation hehehe 🤭
Thanks Zac my evening was great.
Have a wonderful Thursday today 👋🏻☀️ Enjoy it as much as you can.
Wait! Even one better as I give the passengers names !LOL
Hope that your Friday is good Jackie.
Hahaha !LOL
We are funny really. As long as we are having fun 🤩
So far it has been Zac, thank you. Hope yours is too.
Have a wonderful weekend 👋🏻😊🤗
Oh yes, life would be bitter without fun 😜
Weekend is great thus far, just very hot.
Exactly… you get it hahaha 🤣
Good to hear, not from the heat.
Enjoy it further and take it easy in the hot weather 👋🏻😊☀️
Not always, but sometimes I am lucky 🤣
Weather is crazy here and I blame the Atlantic ocean 😉
Credit: unuma
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