
Ohh yes mine is going well fit a nice walk in today on a trail I had not explored before just after the rain and WOW the greens were awesome

Here I got even 3 the same comments… must be something off 🧐?
Keep an eye on it.

Enjoy your day further 👋🏻That’s pretty cool @tattoodjay 😊 always nice when you could get out again. I can imagine just after the rain.

I think the app was having issues it was showing the comment had not bene send so I clicked again and again, sorry about the repeats

No problems, just wanted to let you know 😉
Technology sometimes… hahahaha

Ohh yeah sometimes it’s great sometimes it drives us nuts

Us too hahaha luckily I’m more patient than my husband 😉

Ohh yes mine is going well fit a nice walk in today on a trail I had not explored before just after the rain and WOW the greens were awesome

Ohh yes mine is going well fit a nice walk in today on a trail I had not explored before just after the rain and WOW the greens were awesome