Oh I so understand…
Especially when there are many people. I can’t just walk up and mingle. So I know.
Good that you still said hi. Well done you.
Maybe next time you can join one day.
It does look great that they organize these things.
Beautiful captures.
I share today the castle ruins you could see last week behind the sculptures. Have fun looking at this much history:
Thanks for sharing @tattoodjay all with us. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Nice to know that someone understands :)
I can be zany and out there with people i know but am actually so shy with new people
I loved your post this week
Yep, I do.
I have the same. With friends and family I have so much fun. But strangers… it takes a long time before I open up and talk to them.
Thanks a lot @tattoodjay 😎 it was such a beautiful castle. Loved exploring that area.
Nice to know that someone understands :)
I can be zany and out there with people i know but am actually so shy with new people
I loved your post this week