Pelusa el terror del vecindario/ Pelusa the terror of the neighborhood.

Hola familia hoy quiero mostrarles un cuento que hice en memoria del gato de mis vecinos "Pelusa", espero que lo disfruten tanto como yo disfruté haciendo esta historia.

Hello family, today I want to show you a story that I made in memory of my neighbors' cat "Pelusa", I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making this story.


Pelusa el terror del vecindario/Pelusa the terror of the neighborhood

Había una vez un gato llamado Pelusa, pero su nombre era la mayor mentira jamás contada. Cualquiera que escuchara ese nombre imaginaría a un felino adorable, esponjoso y dulce. Pero Pelusa no tenía nada de eso. Aunque tenía el pelaje más mullido del vecindario, sus garras y su actitud eran de acero. Era el terror felino de la cuadra.

Once upon a time, there was a cat named Fluff, but his name was the biggest lie ever told. Anyone who heard that name would imagine a cute, fluffy, sweet feline. But Fluff was none of that. Although he had the fluffiest fur in the neighborhood, his claws and attitude were made of steel. He was the feline terror of the block.


Pelusa tenía su propio reino: el patio de su casa. Un territorio sagrado que nadie, absolutamente nadie, podía cruzar. Cualquier gato que se atreviera a asomar siquiera un bigote por allí, pronto descubría lo temible que podía ser el rey de los felinos.
No importaba si era el gato del vecino, el elegante siamés de la casa de la esquina o el travieso callejero que buscaba aventuras. Pelusa los detectaba con una precisión casi sobrenatural. Su cuerpo, que parecía hecho de pura nube negra y gris, se inflaba al doble de su tamaño en cuestión de segundos. Su cola se erizaba como una escoba antigua, y sus ojos amarillos brillaban como los de un cazador nocturno.

Fluff had his own kingdom: the yard of his house. A sacred territory that no one, absolutely no one, could cross. Any cat that dared to even peek a whisker there soon discovered how fearsome the king of felines could be. It didn't matter if it was the neighbor's cat, the elegant Siamese from the house on the corner, or the mischievous stray looking for adventure. Fluff could detect them with almost supernatural precision. His body, which seemed to be made of pure black and gray cloud, swelled to twice its size in a matter of seconds. His tail bristled like an old broom, and his yellow eyes shone like those of a night hunter.


A simple vista, parecía el típico gato que solo quiere dormir bajo el sol y recibir caricias, pero cuando algo se movía en su territorio, su transformación era instantánea. Sus ojos verdes se encendían como faros, y su cuerpo mullido se inflaba, mostrando que bajo toda esa suavidad había un felino implacable. Pelusa no necesitaba correr detrás de intrusos ni hacer alarde de su fuerza. Con un solo movimiento de su cola y un gruñido profundo, era capaz de detener a cualquier posible intruso antes de que siquiera se atreviera a poner una pata en su dominio.
No había necesidad de correr detrás de nada; su presencia era suficiente para imponer respeto. Cada tarde se sentaba en el muro del patio, observando su reino con el orgullo de un rey. Nadie se atrevía a acercarse. Pelusa, con su pelaje esponjoso y su mirada vigilante, era el verdadero terror detrás de su adorable nombre. Y aunque su dueño lo mimaba como a un peluche, todos sabían que bajo esa apariencia suave, latía el corazón de un guerrero que jamás cedería terreno.

At first glance, he looked like your typical cat who just wants to sleep in the sun and be petted, but when something moved in his territory, his transformation was instantaneous. His green eyes lit up like beacons, and his fluffy body puffed up, showing that beneath all that softness was a relentless feline. Fluff didn’t need to run after intruders or flaunt his strength. With a single swipe of his tail and a deep growl, he was able to stop any would-be intruder before they even dared to set a paw on his domain. There was no need to run after anything; his presence was enough to command respect. Every afternoon he sat on the courtyard wall, surveying his kingdom with the pride of a king. No one dared come close. Fluff, with his fluffy fur and watchful gaze, was the true terror behind his adorable name. And although his owner pampered him like a stuffed animal, everyone knew that beneath that soft appearance, there beat the heart of a warrior who would never give up ground.



his gaze is very adorable

But he's really a dangerous cat Lol. Nothing to do with his appearance. I'm scared of his look and all the cats in the neighborhood are afraid of him XD

Que bella Pelusa, yo también tengo uno y se llama así, muy bueno el post, felicidades

Este es un demonio encarnado ajajaj. Vieras cómo corren los gatos de aquí

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