From a winter night walk

This winter turned out to be very harsh and snowy for us. When it gets a little warmer, I still try to take pictures of something in memory of her. And there will be something to remember: no one expected such a volume of snow in the city, including utilities. Many citizens, including me, have to walk because they can't get their cars out of the snowdrifts. It's easy to take photos from the car and it's a mobile photo studio for me in winter, but I don't really like doing it with my bare hands in a snowstorm. My hands get cold right away. They are unaccustomed to such frosts.


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After visiting the store, I walked down this street with a camera in my hands, and that was enough for me to make sure that I wouldn't do it again until spring. The camera also cools down quickly and starts to malfunction.



Everyone is tired, everyone is waiting for spring, but the warmth comes to us only in April.


Camera used: Nikon COOLPIX 1.22


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With you @lllll1ll

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Действительно, на фото выглядит сурово, прямо север-север)
А у меня сейчас за окном весна-весна... )

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