We have so many different items in our daily life in which nothing special with them, they provide all the convenience needed by just being ordinary. They are populated everywhere: at home, at work, in the streets etc. you name it.
Kitchen door, metal pitcher, decorative heart, iron works of a door, rear wheel of a scooter, aerial voltage lines, flood lights for a football stadium; above and below, these are the items that I took pictures of. Some ordinary things from my life.
Instead of taking straight shots, I used posterization filter built-in to my compact camera. Apart from my crop size mirrorless, I also own a Sony Hx-99. All the pictures are taken with this lovely compact device. And I must admit that it is handy to do some experiments around.
After all, I liked the high contrast and the texture, and I wanted to share with you my posterization of ordinaries.
All the best.
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