In late summer, a group of friends went on a two-day trip to one of the cities of Mazandaran province called "Shirgah" belonging to "Savadkuh" region.Hello friends, I am @Machan
We crossed the river and the spring on the forest road.
We saw beautiful and diverse vegetation, we all photographed with mobile phones and cameras.
And in different parts of the road and rice paddies (Paddy Field), as much as we could, we recorded very beautiful and memorable images, some of which I shared with you in this post.
A paddy field is an agricultural land where rice is grown
In the northern cities of our country, due to the mild climate and also the proximity to the forest and the sea, there are many rice paddies.
We also went on a trip to the forest and waterfall called "Leopard Valley", which I will share with you soon.
I hope you feel good seeing these photos
*Life can be hard, but enjoy it as much as you can *
Thank you for Your visit to my blog. I am appreciator for paying attention to my posts and supporting me
Yours sincerely:@Machan
Wow, these photos are pretty relaxing. Loving the colors so much. Thanks for sharing😁
Btw, what's the camera?
Thank you @gabmr. The photos were taken with the iPhone 5s :))