The Acquafraggia waterfalls in the municipality of Piuro (SO), in Valchiavenna, originate from Pizzo Lago at an altitude of 3050 meters, the watershed between the North Sea and the Mediterranean, where the homonymous stream rises.
The Acquafraggia stream, after having given life to a lake in the large suspended basin formed by an ancient glacial cirque, overcomes a difference in height of 1800 meters with various jumps: hence the name of Latin origin Acqua Fracta, that is "broken" water from waterfalls.
The falls, with their majestic spectacle, also impressed Leonardo da Vinci who, finding himself passing through Valle di Chiavenna, admired their wild beauty and mentioned them in his Atlantic Code describing them as follows: "Up this river (the Mera) you find chadute of water of 400 fathoms which make a lookout… “.***