Professional Studio Photo Session For Her 20 Birthday

in Photography Lovers4 months ago


A few days ago, I had the honor of doing this photoshoot for a girl who was about to turn 20 years old and wanted to have professional studio photos to show all her friends when the big day arrived.

I started with some full-body shots as usual, that way I don't invade the girl's personal space while we're getting comfortable:

Hace unos dias tuve el honor de hacer esta sesion de fotos de para una chica que estaba apunto de cumplir sus 20 años de edad y queria tener sus fotos profesionales en estudio para mostrarlas a todos sus amigos cuando el dia llegara.

Empecé por unas fotos a cuerpo completo como de costumbre, de esa manera no invado el espacio personal de la chica mientras vamos entrando en confianza:


As I showed the girl the first photos, she told me she likes closer shots, so I got closer and closer to her as I took the next photos:

Al mostrarle las primeras fotos a la chica ella me indicó que le gustan las fotos mas cerca, asi que cada vez me fuí acercando mas a ella al tomar las fotos:




And a little closer:

Y un poco mas cerca:


The girl already had experience in front of the camera, she felt very comfortable and that made the photoshoot flow with good energy!

For the next photo, the girl wanted to crouch down:

La chica ya tenia experiencia frente a la camara, se sentia muy comoda y eso hizo que la sesion de fotos fluyera con buena energia!

Para la siguiente foto la chica se quiso agachar:


And of course, we did the typical pose with the girl sitting on the floor:

Y por supuesto que hicimos la tipica pose con la chica sentada en el suelo:



And I'm super excited to show you the next photos because thanks to all your support in my posts, I was able to raise a little money to have my first studio photography cubes made, this allows people to sit on it, pose in different ways, and it looks much more aesthetic than a chair:

Y estoy super emocionado de mostrarle las siguientes fotos pues gracias a todo el apoyo de ustedes en mis publicaciones logré reunir un poco de dinero para mandar a hacer mis primeros cubos de fotografia de estudio, esto permite que las personas se puedan sentar en el, posar de diferentes maneras y se ve mucho mas estetico que una silla:



I took the next photos a little closer:

Las siguientes fotos las hice un poco mas cerca:




I took all these photos with my CANON RP camera and a 50mm f/2.8 lens, for the lighting I used a single point of light; a speedlite flash with a 50cm octabox at 45 degrees from the model.

To finish the photoshoot, I told the girl we'd take some photos without the balloons so she could maybe use those photos casually on any other day, these were the results:

Todas estas fotos las hice con mi camara CANON RP y un lente 50mm a 2.8/f, para la iluminacion utilicé un solo punto de luz; un flash speed lite con un octabox de 50 cm a 45 grados de la modelo.

Para finalizar la sesion de fotos le dije a la chica que hicieramos algunas fotos sin los globos y asi quizas pueda usar esas fotos de manera casual cualquier otro dia, estos fueron los resultados:





In the end, both the girl and I were super happy with the results, I hope you like them as much as we do!

Al final tanto la chica como yo quedamos super felices con los resultados, espero que a ustedes les gusten tanto como a nosotros!


Congrats on your studio upgrade ⬜️! Perfect prop ✨️ and great shots, as usual.

More good photos with the cubes incoming!!

Curation Trail - Delegations are WelcomeThis post was curated by @wilfredocav from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our

Se ve muy genial 😍 que cámara usas?

Gracias! Uso una CANON RP

This is a great photo shoot. The balloon colours nicely compliment the model's white outfit and beautiful tanned skin.

Yees, she choose the colors really well!

amazing photo shoot session. all the colors nearby are very supportive. it really suits her tanned skin tone. of all the pictures and this is the one that caught my attention the most

One of my favorites too!