◼️ 14 mm - iso 4000 - F/2.8 - 30 s
⭕️ Hey HiVERS, how are you ❓
Which one(s) of the following pictures is (are) your favorite & why ❓
... #stars #night #sky #milkyway ...
🌟Today, I’m sharing less committed (than my previous posts) photos with you. Anyway, i still can (or have to) say that all those satellites are f****** annoying all of us, nightshooters & night sky lovers ! Light pollution is also a real problem, it takes away the possiblity to see the beauty of the night sky to so many people, nightshooters know what I'm talking about... That's all I'll say for the commitment today 😅❗
🌟All the pictures were made by night in Bretagne, France. These shots were all made in 1 exposure with basic level adjustments like white balance, contrast, noise reduction, high and low light adjustments.
You can find the exifs under each picture.
⭕️ (quick) Steps through these milky way shots :
🌟1- Find your frame Simple framing rules like the 1/3 rule works very well most of the time.
🌟2- Set the exposure time
According to the kind of picture you are looking for, use the 500 rule to know your maximum exposure time which is :
(sorry for the possible bad translation)
if you are using a 24 mm lens (for exemple), do the math > 500 / 24 = 20,8 (seconds). You can do the same formula with any lens you want to use.
This means that with a 24 mm lens, your maximum exposure time will be of 20 seconds before the stars start becoming "lines" instead of "spots". If you want to see an exemple of what i call "spots" or "lines", see the 2 last pictures of this post 😉 ❗
🌟3- Set your F/ stop : Open it to the maximum, depending on the lens you are using, it will often be F/3.5 or F/2.8 but some lenses have even wider
F/ stops like F/1.8 or F/1.4.
The more your lens will be open, the more light enters your camera.
🌟4- Set your iso : Most cameras can go very high but i never go over 4000 iso because the more you push your iso, the more noise you'll have on your picture. The iso you will set for a night sky star picture really depends on the camera & lens you're using. Do some tests with different setups changing only one thing for each picture 😉 ❗
🌟5- The best advice i can give you is to make a lot of test shots with different setups, once you'll know why you missed a shot and how not to do it again, you shouldn't make the mistake again. 😉
🌟More exemples of that night's pictures :
◼️ 14 mm - iso 3200 - F/2.8 - 30 s
◼️ 14 mm - iso 4000 - F/2.8 - 30 s (cropped)
◼️ 14 mm - iso 4000 - F/2.8 - 30 s (cropped) - made in a different spot the night before -
🌟The 2 last pictures of today's post were made in a row from the same point of view but not the same iso & exposure time :
◼️ 14 mm - iso 4000 - F/2.8 - 30 s
◼️ 14 mm - iso 200 - F/2.8 - 1201 s
🌟As usual, I’ll end this post with a quote :
"No star will shine until there’s someone holding a black cloth behind"
▪️ Winston Churchill
✨ LiGHTPAINTING is MAGiK ✨@maximepateau
Today's post is about shooting the milkyway and/or night sky but most of the time i shoot lightpainting pictures, check out my previous & future posts & @lightpaintershub 😉⬇️
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Thx for the reblog @lightpainters 🤗
Only a small part of community building that we can handle. 😎
Such beautiful night shots of the stars and Milky way
Light pollution is indeed a problem, where i live there is no dark areas for miles, I think the best spot is a 7 hour drive away
😲 A 7 hour drive is a long way to be able to shoot the night sky, fortunately, I don’t have to drive that far.
Maybe this summer I will do a overnight trip somewhere good for night shots and make it a break away for me and my wife
Good idea, that’s a great way to empty our minds 😉
Indeed 👍
Very good work
MERCi beaucoup @lightstabeu 😊