⭕️ How are you Hive❓
Today, I’m sharing 2 pictures made a few months ago in France, with Alexia (my model) on the same night.
___ As usual, all the shots in this post were made in 1 exposure. ___
⚙️ EXiFS : 85 mm -lens swap- 200 mm_F/16_51s ⚙️
The model is quite blue because of the WB (white balance) choice.
#whitebackground #lensswap #blur #LP
🔦🎨 LP is MAGiK 🤪
⭕️ Steps through LP portrait 1 :
▪️ We went to a cool spot in La Roche-sur-Yon (the city we live in). A spot I found and used when I made my first real photography exhibition about refugees and migrants 6 years ago in 2016. This spot is cool because it is located on a little hill with a cool view on traffic lights and on the city center.
So… How did we create these shots❓
1️⃣ FiRST, find your "view", meaning find what you want to put inside your model. For the first shot, I chose to use the traffic lights in blur mode so I set up my 70-200 mm lens (200mm) on the traffic lights downhill and stayed "out of focus" to get this blur effect for the traffic lights. I set up my camera at
F/2.8 to get a good old blur effect. Here is an exemple of "my view" for this picture (notice the light is red on this one & green on the real one above because it is a traffic light, also i might not have used the exact same white balance_WB on both pictures) :
2️⃣ Once you got your view, remember the set up to get that blur effect :
- the right F/ stop (with a manual lens, you can change the F/ stops during the picture which can be very very useful sometimes)
- the right focus
- the exposure time you want for the traffic lights, a few seconds in this case.
3️⃣ Place your model in front of your softbox (or white wall or anything giving you a monochrome background), tell her to stand still and focus on her so she stays sharp.
4️⃣ Start your picture, fire the flash inside of the softbox behind the model and put your lens cap on so your model can relax.
5️⃣ Find a dark place to swap your lenses (70 mm to 200 mm in this case), remember to change your focus for the blur effect and, if necessary,
the F/ stop.
6️⃣ Place your camera on your 2nd tripod and take the lens cap off for the right exposure time (a few seconds here, for the blurred traffic lights).
7️⃣ END of the picture, your model’s head should be filled with blurred traffic lights and orange street lamps, in this case.
~ iNSiDE ~
⚙️ EXiFS : 70 mm -lens swap- 200 mm_F/22_41s ⚙️
⭕️ Steps through LP portrait 2 :
1️⃣ Once again, find your "view", meaning choose the view you want to put inside your model. For the 2nd shot, I chose to use the big church (the big church is the building with 2 towers in my model’s head) so I set up my
70-200 mm lens on the big church who is right in the middle of the city center. I focused on it and tried different exposure time before the "real" shot.
2️⃣ Once I got the church view and the right exposure time, I swapped lenses and tripods to start my shot with Alexia (the model) in front of the softbox.
4️⃣ I started the picture at 70 mm in front of Alexia, fired the flash inside of the softbox and put my lens cap on.
5️⃣ I swapped lenses : 70 mm to 200 mm.
6️⃣ I placed my camera on the 2nd tripod and took the lens cap off for the right exposure time to expose the cityscape.
7️⃣ END of the picture, Alexia’s body is filled with a the cityscape.
THX for sticking along the steps trough those night shots, I hope you learned something and might want to give it a try for yourselves 😁❗️
The city where we made today’s pictures is La Roche-sur-Yon, France.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask those on the comments, wishing you all a good day 😉❗️
✨ LiGHTPAINTING is MAGiK ✨@maximepateau XP LiGHTS
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