I want to take the opportunity that this amazing community gives to show a bit of my 2021. It sure has been a challenging one but, smiles were not missing. I'm gonna take this as a post of appreciation of my kids, as every mom, i love to capture my babies every possible moment, for they to have, in the future a bit of insight on how their early childhood was, since i didn't have that chance, and it's something I would have liked
I'm not professional photographer and honestly most pictures, to the experienced eye might be even bad ones, but, beyond what the image itself is, i think photography is about what that image is capturing and keeping still in time, so let's see and hope you enjoy a bit of 2021 through my girls

This right here means the world to me, seeing my babies together, and the smile on Mya's face is priceless. I know every mom thinks their kids are THE most beautiful, i mean, i do! but i'm certain many would agree on that smile being one of the purest ever.

The back story for this picture is very simple, yet very lovely, Mya was painting and accidently (Don't ask how) some paint splashed her face, i saw her covered in paint and remembered when i used to watch a tv show called America's next top model, and they did a photoshoot throwing paint at the models, and the results were amazing pictures, so i decided to recreate that (minus the paint throwing) and to be honest, i loved the resulting pics and Mya was all happy cause she was a "paint model".

This time i caugh her unaware i was even looking, this is her surprised face when her grandma told her she had a gift waiting for her... it was just an ice cream but the innocence of her face made it seem like it was, i dunno, a car!.

Kids and nature! i love how thoughtful some kids are about every other living being, makes me happy to know she'll grow up respecting the environment and everything around her. She stood on one of the tree's roots, so she was apologizing - She tried to kiss the actual root, but i stopped her xD.

Just look at that face! very first time holding her hottle all by herself! Again, the children faces are the most amazing thing, it's an image that can change everything with just a glance!

This one here has the VIBE, just here, watching tv with my dog, hanging out... and she's so happy! Simple things, we should never forget about how happy those make us!

By the time of this photo, Maggie was 7 months old and i used to think - i still do - if there was any chance of being even happier, and with them i discover every day there is, indeed...

again, those moments i don't get tired of, and i plan to reinforce them with love for each other, that they are lucky to have one another, partners for life!.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY MYA! three years making me and daddy the happiest proud parents!

I know it won't always be like this, i know they'll fight and scream and be pissed at each other, but for now, while it's only a bit of a battle for who get which toy, i'll enjoy every minute of this two.


That's the face of a person viewing christmas for the first time, even though she was born on December, her little eyes sparkled with the ligths and she was mesmerized and at the same time happy!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY MAGGIE! She's like no other baby i've met and i'm proud to see her grow every day, we are proud parents, times two!
Quite a year it's been, but i wouldn't change it for anything cause i got to be surrounded with much love and beauty, and for all that i'm grateful! I hope that 2022 will be full of more moments to capture in a photo.
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i wish for you a happy new year thank you for sahring with us one of the best moments ans the best smiles you give me some ôsitif energie
likewise, hope this new year to be positive as you mention!