
I really do have to read his books. The illustrations are so interesting and well done.

Anything Elder gods'ish gets my juices flowing!

Sounds Vikingish, bet you got some of that blood running in those veins.

I can only hope that the blood is running in these veins! It would explain a lot, lol!

From all your posts, there's this kind of subtle thread that runs through that is rather Vikingish. Some of those facial expressions in your cover images, I imagine you striking fear into the hearts of enemies in battle, scorching them on the spot with a laser gaze. 😁

I do do a good battle shout! But it is more likely they would piss themselves laughing at my fierce face because it looks funny :OD

If you didn't do a good shout, I'd be shocked.

Death by laughter, excellent strategy!

That strategy has served me well throughout my entire life!

It's a great way to go, laughing to death. You're doing a grand service with that approach.