Hello Hive community. Welcome to my blog 😉
Today I want to show you a night photo shoot. 📸
These photos are long exposure, it's incredible what a cell phone camera can capture despite not being high-end.😅
Seeing a clear night is something incredible😍🌌
Seeing such natural views from the patio of your house is a pleasure in life 😍
And these are some photos of the moon taken with a monocular adapted to the cell phone.

We can see the moon with the dark side illuminated by the light reflected on the Earth and near it we see Venus 😍

I hope you enjoy seeing these photos as much as I do 🥰 I hope everyone is doing well, I wish you a great Wednesday ♥️

📷All photos shown here were taken by me with a moto g8 play cell phone and edited in Lightroom✨
+Miickey Grace+🖤