This is the post your adoring public wants to see, so thank you :-)
No, thank you! 😊
I'd also be nervous about sailing on the Thames
We both were... but you need to be because it is completely different from the canals.
There was a section when we first got onto the rivers where I got off to operate a lock. The current was so strong that Cam could not stop the boat. I had to walk a few miles... It was a bit of a panic moment, but I didn't mind the walk and was happy I wasn't on the boat in case there was a real emergency.
Is it still tidal at Reading?
I've read that some sections are, and from what I remember, I'd say yes.
I'm warm and snug, but the canals are frozen now. Luckily it's at a pretty spot that I will probably explore tomorrow. It was funny watching a moorhen sliding on the ice today. I hope to get some pictures tomorrow with my camera... I tried to get some mobile shots but they weren't clear:)
It would be so beautiful if you had a snowy Christmas! Hope the storm didnt blow you around too much this weekend :-)
Yeah, I get the feeling that this year will be a white Christmas.
It's still windy, but the storms seem to have passed and the temperature is mild today.
Have a lovely Sunday:)))