This is a red ant, as I wrote in yesterday's monomad post, and of course this is another file, and not the same as the photo I published in the monomad post. I took a photo of this ant two days ago when I was guarding the shop, and I took a picture of it when it was sitting on a wood or board beside a lamp. Below are some photos of red ants that I took when he was sitting alone. When I searched on google lens, I found this type of ant with the name Winged Rangrang (Weaver ant).
Ini adalah semut merah, seperti yang saya tulis pada postingan monomad kemarin, dan perlu diketahui bahwa ini adalah file lain, foto semut ini saya potret dua hari yang lalu saat saya sedang menjaga warung, dan saya memotretnya saat ia sedang berdiam diatas kayu atau papan yang berada dipinggir lampu. Dibawah ini adalah beberapa foto semut merah yang saya ambil saat ia sedang berdiam diri sendiri. Ketika saya mencari di lensa google, saya menemukan semut jenis ini dengan nama Winged Rangrang (Weaver ant).
And below I photographed it when the ants were looking at each other, whether they were making love, or were talking about something for the future, I don't understand the language of the ants, I can only guess. 😁
Dan dibawah ini aku memotretnya saat semut itu sedang berduan, apakah mereka bercinta, atau sedang membicarakan sesuatu untuk masa depan, saya tidak mengerti bahasa semut, hanya bisa menerka-nerka. 😁
And this is a photo that I managed to take from the front, I only have this one photo, the other photos are not suitable for publication, because they are blurry. ☺🤝
Dan ini adalah foto yang berhasil saya ambil dari arah depan, saya hanya mempunyai satu foto ini, foto lainnya tidak layak untuk di publikasikan, karena blur. ☺🤝
All the photos that I display in this post I took using a smartphone camera and the help of a 25mm macro lens and a 35mm macro lens, I hope you like it. 🤗
Semua foto yang saya tampilkan pada postingan kali ini saya ambil dengan menggunakan kamera smartphone dan bantuan lensa macro 25mm dan lensa macro 35mm, berharap kalian menyukainya. 🤗

Camera | Poco X3 NFC |
Lens | Sony 25mm & Q-Lens 35mm |
Photography | Weaver ant |
Process | Mobile Lightroom |
Location | Indonesia - Aceh |
Photographer | @mirz |
![]() | ![]() |

~"About Me"~

My name is M. Alan Mirza, I am currently 28 years old, I come from Asia, to be precise in Indonesia - Sumatra Island. I work as an emergency room administrator, namely in the Medical Record section at Cut Meutia Hospital. My hobbies are uncertain, my hobbies follow my mood, sometimes I like reading, sometimes I like writing, sometimes I like photographing small insects and other small object, sometimes I also like to play games for a long time.😁

Very nice photos and a nice write too.
Thanks a lot 🤗