Ofc not! =) I wasnt thinking that, not at all! >:P
Anyway you put it,it is a cool name! Kasselberg sounds more royal, I would say. :D
Ofc not! =) I wasnt thinking that, not at all! >:P
Anyway you put it,it is a cool name! Kasselberg sounds more royal, I would say. :D
I was just joking with you! Europe does get a little room to brag being older and all! hahaha
Royal isn't bad but i like the old humble Castleberry! hahah
I know you were joking:)
And yes, you're right, I often heard that! But not me!:)
Funny though cause I have one cousin in Kentucky and he is so So So So SO So 'American'. You can imagine that nothing compare with America, from his opinion. :p
Southern folk are a bit more American than the rest! Hahaha Especially in Kentucky.
Thanks for letting me know! :))