A few days ago, at around 4 pm, I went to the river bank, the river bank is beautiful and there is fresh air. The river is very wide and big. There are many fish in the river. On one side of the river, there are bushes of plants and very tall trees. Some species of birds can be seen there. It is afternoon and the birds have not come there yet because they have gone far away to feed. I was searching for birds and my eyes were looking around sharply. At that time I saw two birds bathing on the river bank. I selected the mynah bird to take the photographs. The bird was repeatedly dipping its head in the water and spraying its body with its wings. This is called bird bathing. There is more information about bird bathing below the photos.
The mynah bird first slowly went down to the water, the water was very cold because it was winter. Then in the afternoon, at this time the sun moved further away. So the water of the river became colder. The water of the moving river is a little warm because the water generates heat due to friction while moving. But the water of this river is still so cold. It is really difficult to bathe ignoring this cold. I am sure I would not bathe in this cold water. But this myna bird did not hesitate to bathe. Birds also feel cold. In winter, birds travel from one region to a warmer region. That is why birds are afraid of cold. But to stay healthy, it is very important to keep yourself clean. That is why you have to bathe no matter how cold it feels. The bird also did the same. Once the bath is over, the water in the body will dry up, then the bird will feel better. But not bathing is a bad habit and not good for health and it makes the body feel worse. So the birds will bathe no matter how cold it feels. Should any of us bathe regularly, do you think?
Cute shots!!