Hello Photography Lovers
Hope you are well wherever you are.
At the end of another busy day, I want to share some photos with you.
Hope you enjoy.
Birds are our beneficial friends, birds contribute a lot to maintaining the balance of nature.
Birds pollinate.
Birds protect the crops by eating insects in the fields.
If there were no birds, the number of insects would increase at a huge rate, resulting in ecological imbalance.
As a result, the world's food chain would break down and famine would occur.
So, this beneficial friend, the bird, can be given a like
A sparrow was sitting on a pile of rice straw and eating rice, I took the photo at that time. The lower part of the bird is visible in the photo.
The swans are in attack mode. Their leader is in front and he is leading. A beautiful scene like a movie has been created.
The brown shrike is perched on a branch and I am facing the sun. The sunlight has illuminated the bird's feathers, creating a border.
A woodpecker was making a hole in the branch, visible from one side of the branch. That's how I had to take a shot. Not a bad photo.
A close up photo of a magpie robin, although the bird is harmless and timid, it stays close to people, so it is possible to take such photos
This is a different species of magpie robin, this bird has deeper and brighter colors. It is a little longer in size
A common myna is sitting on a bamboo stick pinned in a field, this bird is intended to eat insects in the field
Our neighbor had planted a papaya tree, this tree has many papayas. Several species of birds come here to eat these papayas. One of them is the Red Vented Bulbul. This bird eats insects as well as fruit. It is called the Red-vented Bulbul because of the red part on its back.
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