
in Photography Lovers2 months ago


There is a big river and a canal in our village, where I go for a walk and breathe fresh air. It is very good for health. I also see swans there, sometimes they are swimming, sometimes they are sitting on the bank of the river. People like swans very much because of their long neck and beautiful shape. It is also very expensive. In our country, people raise swans, they are profitable, so many people raise swans. They feed the swans with purchased animal feed in the morning and evening, the rest of the time the swans eat wild food in the river. Since there is a lot of wild food in the river, swans do not have to spend much to buy food. You will be surprised to know that swans eat grass and water hyacinth. Small fish, insects and frogs are their favorite food and source of meat. When I see them eating grass, I am very surprised, it eats a lot of grass but it is a species of bird. The matter of eating frogs is also surprising. Fish and insects are the main food of many species of birds. So it is natural that swans will eat them.There is no shortage of grass, water hyacinth, fish, insects, frogs, etc. in nature. As a result, they do not have any shortage of food.




In the morning, Swans eat the fodder bought by the owner and go to the river, stay there all day and come back to the owner's house in the evening. The owner gives them food again. A small house is built for them, which is called a khowar. It is built to protect them from foxes, wild cats, dogs and other wild animals at night. We have many foxes here, and at night the foxes come up to the house for food. Sometimes they attack the farmer's pets and take away the chickens and geese. So the Swans are kept in very safe places.




Some seasonal diseases of Swans spread in the form of epidemics. Then many Swans die. One of ours was suffering from the disease for a few days. So we decided not to eat it. The disease causes a lot of harm to the farmer. Swans affected by the disease die and the price is low before death. Most of the medicines for swans' diseases do not work properly. We have a few veterinarians here who prescribe the medicines. It is better to prevent the disease than to cure the disease. To prevent the disease, farmers vaccinate swans from the upazila veterinarian's office, as a result they do not get the disease, but the disease is less. The farmers here think that swans are very effective




To stay healthy, every person should eat a certain amount of meat. And the meat is very tasty, so people are enthusiastic about eating it. Swans fulfill a large part of their meat needs. As a result, there is no additional pressure on the demand for other meat. Apart from this, producing meat yourself saves your money and is also good for the country. If the country is self-sufficient in meat production, then we do not need to spend dollars on meat from abroad.

CameraResolutionSensor sizelense
Canon 550D18 mp14.9 x 22.3 mm75-300mm

Nice pictures. I love this creature, will also love to domesticated them in the future.

You can keep the swens, thank you.