Greetings #hive community and all nature and photography lovers.
Glad to be back with you #PhotographyLovers, I want to share these pictures taken during a walk to the Merideño moor, after driving more than 2:30 from home it was worth it to find this remote and lonely place, between huge mountains is located in the village of Gavidia 3550 msnm.
Contenta de estar nuevamente con ustedes los #PhotographyLovers, quiero compartir estas fotografías tomadas durante un paseo a el páramo Merideño, después de manejar más de 2:30 desde casa valió la pena encontrar este lugar remoto y solitario, entre enormes montañas se encuentra en pueblito de Gavidia 3550 msnm.
Formed by only 30 houses, a very peaceful place where you only hear the noise of nature, despite being almost half a day I could only see a sheep and two children playing, and is that the inhabitants of these Andean villages are dedicated to working the land, they are always busy with daily duties, the time they have for distraction is very little. Gavidia can be catalogued as an enchanted town, at least that's what it seems to me.
Formado por escazas 30 casas, un lugar muy pacífico donde sólo escuchas el ruido de la naturaleza, a pesar de ser casi medio día solo pude observar una oveja y dos niños jugando, y es que los habitantes de estos pueblos andinos se dedican a trabajar la tierra, siempre están ocupados con los deberes diarios, el tiempo que tienen para la distracción es muy poco. Gavidia se puede catalogar como un pueblo encantado al menos eso me parece a mí.

Wow, what a serene and beautiful place. I’d love to come here to take it all in. Must be breathtaking, especially as someone who lives in an urban area. The sheep(?) is cute!
Thank you! Excellent that you liked it.
That's a very lovely palce your town is. And from the looks of it, it is indeed enchanted!