Yesterday while I was here at home checking the weather forecast, I noticed that supposedly today in the morning it would be cold, and the wind would be very calm, almost as if it didn't exist, that made me think that it would be a good time to go to the park and take nature pictures, but at the same time I thought about going somewhere else where I could do street photography.
When I woke up it was a real disappointment, the clouds completely covered the sunlight, it was not that cold and the wind was blowing harder than I expected, so I decided to leave aside the trip to the park, instead I mounted the 24mm on my camera body and decided to go to the Convent of the Cross, one of many religious places that exist in the city of Tepic, Nayarit.
As I always mention, I prefer to go on public bus because sometimes I know where I am going to start my tour, but I don't know where it will end, there are times when I walk too far to find a place that catches my attention, in these photos I was a little far from the convent, but I thought it was good to frame it with the tree and the house on the left side, it is very small in the central part of the photo, but there it is.
I arrived to the place and started to analyze the best place to take the picture, the first picture of this post I like because even though in front of the letters NAYARIT, there is a lamp post, it is the best picture I could take showing the letters, of course I can edit and remove it, but the theme of this post is keep it simple, so there is not much editing and color correction today.
As I said, when I woke up everything was cloudy, but I guess the wind that was blowing blew the clouds away and when I got to the place there were almost none, I wanted to take advantage of them to give drama to the sky, but well, you have to do what you can with what you have.
The 24mm is a fantastic lens, it allows you to take pretty sharp pictures even at slow speeds, to my bad luck, I needed even more space to be able to include the whole scene in a horizontal picture, but you know I don't like to think only.
I repeated this photograph twice because the gentleman had to be in the rule of thirds, so I couldn't resist it.
Finally I saw this scene, I don't really like to split the structure in half but I thought it would look better horizontally.
Nice posting, good view, very nice and cool photo
Thanks 😁