Mountain - Take Away My Pain.
My name is Michael Trocert, 42 years old, born musician, composer, arranger, musical producer, athlete, and let's leave the rest for later, it is very soon to reveal everything so early.
Although the title may sound in a certain way painful or sad, it is not so at all. It is part of a story for approximately 15 years and that through a very tragic event, through the years little by little it has cost me to overcome.
And it is not for less, but let's go back to the title, where I will start this first chapter.
The Waraira Repano, Mountain located in Venezuela, Caracas, formed by 4 peaks and separating the city from the ocean.
The first and most challenging of Ávila - Waraira Rest Currently called:
1- The Naiguata Peak - 2765 MSNM.
2- The Eastern Peak - 2640 MSNM.
3- The Western Peak - 2478 MSNM.
4- The Ávila Peak - 2144 MSNM
Thanks to these 4 peaks and their different routes, they have helped me to completely change my life, my health, my mind and spirit.
Every given step, each drop of sweat, every moment of physical and mental pain is left behind in those mountains when i return home, all that becomes in something positive, in a habit that connects you with nature and teaches you to know yourself, your limits, and as you can overcome them, transforming you in a better version of you every day.
That is why I highly recommend the mountain, hiking, and the reason why I give the title to this short story.
If you want to know more about this story, leave your comments, and thanks for reading.
Pico Naiguata - 2765 msnm. 28/12/2020 photo
Instagram @michaeltrocert
Hello @mtblog! This is @indayclara from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome! However, it would be awesome if you do an introduction post. As a sample of what an intro post is, you can refer to this intro post for reference:
Let's Rock On for the Second Time Around — Introduction | Kenn
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