Between Light and Shadows (EN) / "Entre Luz y Sombras" (ES)

in Photography Lovers16 days ago (edited)

Hello, friends of Photography Lovers!

Today I'm here to talk to you about an interesting topic: photographing birds with black plumage. Capturing the perfect black is not easy, because if you go too much light, the plumage loses detail; but if you go too little, the bird becomes a dark spot, it's an art to make it look well exposed! So I bring you some images of birds in Cuba in black, with some tricks and experiences that I hope you will find useful.

Hoy vengo a hablarles de un tema interesante: fotografiar aves de plumaje negro. Capturar el negro perfecto no es sencillo, porque si te pasas de luz, el plumaje pierde detalle; pero si te quedas corto, el ave se te convierte en una mancha oscura. ¡Es un arte lograr que se vea bien expuesta! Así que les traigo algunas imágenes de aves en Cuba de color negro, con algunos trucos y experiencias que espero les sean útiles.

Here are some key tricks for photographing black feathered birds and getting a good exposure!

¡Aquí les comparto trucos clave para fotografiar aves de plumaje negro y conseguir una buena exposición!

Uses spot metering mode:

Focuses the light metering on the bird's plumage to ensure that the camera adjusts the exposure directly on that area. This helps prevent the lighter background from causing the bird to be underexposed.

Usa el modo de medición puntual:
Enfoca la medición de luz en el plumaje del ave para asegurar que la cámara ajuste la exposición directamente sobre esa zona. Esto ayuda a evitar que el fondo más claro haga que el ave salga subexpuesta.

Slightly underexposed exposure.

To preserve detail in the black plumage, try slightly underexposing the image. This helps to bring out the texture without burning out the lighter areas.

Exposición ligeramente subexpuesta.
Para preservar detalles en el plumaje negro, intenta subexponer ligeramente la imagen. Esto ayuda a resaltar la textura sin quemar las zonas más claras.

Use soft or diffused light.

Soft light hours (morning, early morning or late afternoon) are ideal. Avoid bright daylight hours.

Utiliza una luz suave o difusa.
Las horas de luz suave (por la mañana, temprano o al atardecer) son ideales. Evita las horas de luz intensa.

Keep in mind to take care of the background.

By using a light or diffuse background, you will make the bird stand out without losing details. Green or brown backgrounds also create good contrast and highlight the textures of the black plumage.

Debes tener presente cuidar el fondo.
Al usar un fondo claro o difuso, lograrás que el ave se destaque sin perder detalles. Los fondos verdes o marrones también crean buen contraste y resaltan las texturas del plumaje negro.

Focus on the bird's eye.

A good trick in bird photography is to focus on the eye, especially on birds with dark plumage. A bright, well-focused eye brings the image to life.

Enfoca en el ojo del ave.
Un buen truco en la fotografía de aves es enfocarse en el ojo, especialmente en aves de plumaje oscuro. Un ojo bien enfocado y brillante le da vida a la imagen.

... And that's all for today dear friends! See you in the next photographic adventure, thanks for reading me!

Any questions or comments let me know.
Have a nice day.

*All the pictures made in the post were taken by my @muhammadhalim, using a Nikon D200 camera.


Thanks for sharing these photo tips with us!

It is a pleasure to share my experiences 😊, I thank you for your comment.

the appearance of the bird is very beautiful and the trick is worth exemplifying, it is very useful, thank you.

Hello greetings, at the beginning I spent a lot of work in photographing birds of this color but little by little I have succeeded, I still need to learn more but with patience 🙏 Jjjjjjj, thank you for your comment.

Yes, it's true, photographing something dark in bright sunlight is a bit difficult, I once experienced this when I photographed insects. have a nice day.