Mantids hidden in the flowers.

in Photography Lovers3 years ago

Yes, back at my favourite patch of flowers. It's getting late in the year, so that means that the mantids and spiders are getting fat and laying eggs for the next generation that will hatch in the spring.

*full disclosure, this one was near a rice field not the flower patch
Back to the flower patch:

You'd think that such a large insect would be easy to spot! Even though the larger mantids here are about 10-12 cm they still blend in very very well. They are ambush predators afterall, I guess that shouldn't be that unexepected.

There are two species of large mantids here, the long slender one above and a shorter but stockier species:

Looking over its hunting grounds:

No mantid in the last photo, I just love the orange colour!

Have a great day!


These are all great captures for different reasons... but that second image is EPIC! Great job. I think it's always cool to see the Praying Mantis'. I used to have one i captured for a pet... and watching them eat is something else! They chewed a hole in the head of the cricket and sucked out the liquified insides. It was always fascinating to watch. Keep up the great work!

Yeah, they usually start at the head! With no venom to kill the prey the safest way to make sure it doesn't get away is to just eat the head first. I've kept one a few years ago too, really liked crickets.

Dude... that's awesome that we both shared that experience. Super cool.

That is indeed rather cool! :)

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