Anyone can see them. They are here to be contemplated and dreamed of, like parts of a great amulet. An amulet that is a tree, The tree of life, work of the Mexican artisan José Alfonso Soteno.
And it really stands out for its beauty this work of art, which has been in the same place for years, as contemplative as its variegated vegetable, marine and fantastic essence.
Look at it well: it is a wise tree, full of readings, comings, goings, and also, songs and poetry.
I was a hillbilly university student when I attended the first event at the Casa de las Américas (House of the Americas). I don't even remember what it was about, but I know I felt immensely happy and lucky because I lived right next door, and I wasn't going to miss anything that was meant to happen there. Since then, the tree spread its charm through the large conference room.
Exhibitions, literary events or related to culture in general... I would go to everything, first.
And so I remember, for example, when Mario Benedetti signed me a book. I was worried because I had the flu, and he, so gallantly, reassured me that he could only infect it with my beauty. That's how poets are.
Yes, many writers gather in this emblematic place. When I was studying at the Onelio Jorge Cardoso Literary Training Center, we participated in an Ibero-American Narrative event that was wonderful, and although we supported the organizational part, we also took the opportunity to attend conferences and book presentations. A luxury, really.
The House of Good Memories
The House of the Americas is a place that brings me such fond memories. Here I have seen some of my favorite Cuban troubadours sing, Marta Campos, Heidi Igualada and Liuba María Hevia. You will already know them maybe one day, because I plan to visit them. But this will happen in due course, without forcing anything, because that is how things should happen.
I went to Casa de las Américas these days, to give testimony as a photojournalist, of an International Colloquium entitled From the Papyrus to the Virtual Library. I went back to see a classmate of mine, Elena Nápoles, who on behalf of UNESCO gave a Master Conference on Media and Information Literacy for Sustainable Development.
Look at that tree behind. How many creatures that are all ears. That they observe us from their irrepressible beauty of... sirens.
I also took some pictures of an exhibit in the room about items used in the restoration of heritage documents and photos.
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I could not resist the temptation to take a few photographs of the interior of the House. It is that already in this post I had said that it would come. And the opportunity came alone, as it always happens to me.
A phone call... ring... ring... Yes, hello. Hey, you have work with such a journalist, it is an event at Casa de Las Américas and you must be at 1:45 pm in Bohemia. That´s it. I immediately thought of you, of that invitation that had been left in the air.
So here we are.
Upon entering we are greeted by this rather large painting entitled Cuba is the Capital and is the work of the artist Roberto Matta, dated 1963.
Hey photographer, don't judge me that I had to do magic to show you the whole picture because my lens is a 14-42mm.
You walk a little to the back and find a room and a bookstore, whose name is the title of a book. Will you tell me the author? A small reward might find its way into your glittering coffers if you are the first to answer this.
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I have already shown you a staircase a few pictures above. We must go to the conference venue, the Ché Guevara Hall. I have a few views from there as well. Let's see.
Enjoy the walk along the walls on the top floor... hahaha... the artwork is very interesting.
They also have a large collection of posters on the walls.
In the Gué Guevara Hall there is this painting that attracts a lot of attention.
Two other large paintings can also be seen on the sides.
Here, doing my reporting job. You know.
However, what I enjoyed most about that afternoon of work, was when we were already waiting for the car to come back home, I decided to go into the library where I sat many times to read and do college work.
I saw many children coming out of there and I approached curiously. It had been years since I smelled that library aroma.
{It is no less true that the mermaids and the tree are still the greatest} 😉
There was a bibliographic exhibition of children's stories and even handmade books made from recycled paper. A beauty.
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Finally the driver arrived and on the way along Avenida G or Avenida de los Presidentes, I was thinking about time, that life is only one and we are not guaranteed everything we would like; however, as long as we have memory we can relive the good times in the time we want or have to do so. We can also live some dreams as if they really happened. That is why at some point during my visit to Casa de las Américas I escaped to the sea for a while. Who knows? The Universe listens.
If you have an elephant's memory, another small reward may soon find its way into your wallet. You just need to remember what was the name of that piece of art that I portrayed, while walking hypnotized, and that was donated to Casa de las Americas by a Venezuelan artist.
See you soon.
Original content (text and photos), by @nanixxx, unless otherwise noted.
My Social Media Icons by Icons8. All rights reserved ©, 2023. |
No tengo memoria de elefante, pero disfrute mucho este post, creo que una vez estuve en La casa de las Américas y me quedé con ganas de conocerla por dentro. Hoy me la has mostrado en fotos, Gracias.
La primera foto me ha enamorado, el mural es realmente hermoso. Que lindo que tengas tantas experiencias y recuerdos bonitos aquí aquí 🙌
😂 Pues me alegra haberte llevado de paseo a la Casa de las Américas. Gracias, pequeña.
Thank you, friend. I loved this tree. It's amazing how beautiful it is and how it keeps those bright colors after so many years. I'd love to see it in person. What an honor to have met Benedetti. He was very kind. That reminds me my meeting with our great writer Padura, I admire him a lot and I have a photo with him. Thanks for bring it to my mind. Have a nice night. Hugs.
... and when post?
Te lo pasé temprano, no te llegó?
La primera incognita es Rayuela, el nombre de la sala que corresponde a una novela de Julio Cortazar. Cierto? Linda noche jjj
Bueno, pero eso no se vale. 😆 No después que hablamos.
Jjj linda noche
Pero @nanixxx que post este más lindo. Ver ese árbol ha sido mi añoranza siempre que me acuerdo de la Habana. Lo conocí cuando era niñita en la portada de un libro que tenía mi hermano. Gracias por enseñarme. La Librería Rayuela recuerda claro a Julio Cortázar. Pero Viste a Benedetti, compañera usted sabe que puede contar conmigo? No hasta dos o hasta cinco, sino contar de verdad conmigo. Muy lindo de verdad tu recorrido. Hago mías unas palabras que te oí en la clase de hoy: sentí envidia sana y que @raima no me lea porque ella dice que no hay envidia sana que la envidia siempre es envidia. Bueno pues gracias por el viaje. Ojalá un día me lleves allí en 3d o sea de verdad cuerpo presente.
es verdad que envidia es envidia, pero a veces sentimos esa que no es mala. Pues sí, Julio Cortázar que tanto me gusta. Mira que disfruto sus Historias de cronopios y de famas.
Vas a recibir un hivecronopio en breve 🤣
Tienes que oír la fábula de la serpiente y la luciérnaga narrada por @raima. Que lindo lo hace y habla sobre la envidia. Yo la grabé y todo si la encuentro te la mando.
Felicidades por estar por Casa de las Américas y por el día internacional del periodista.
Aww, gracias 😁. Casi en el último minuto del día llegó la felicitación.
Te felicité temprano por Whatsapp pero por acá es más visible la verdad. Además la mayor felicidad es que la gente disfrute tus textos y creo que ya eso lo conseguiste.
Sí, sé que fuiste la única que me felicitó hoy 😂/ Dos veces. Y aquí quedó para siempre inscrito en la Blockchain.
I enjoyed the tour and the artworks on display. I like how well kept the house is. The library is beautiful and elegant, as well as spacious. A pleasure to read you, as always. Regards.
It is a very prestigious cultural institution and yes, they care a lot about its conservation. It is very close to the sea and everything in that area always suffers a lot from the saltpeter.
Thank you for reading and for your kind comments.
What an impressive place! I loved those works and the mermaids even more, it's a great presentation, I love it.
The paintings in the room are wonderful. I liked everything!❤️
Everything is nice even my job which is not a job. Thank you ☺️/
I am very glad that this is the case!😀
Awwww, sirenas 🧜🏻♀️🧜🏻♀️🧜🏻♀️🧜🏻♀️
Your job, being a photojournalist (trabajo no trabajo😁) is awesome! 🍀
... Se ve que el 🐘 andaba apurado. 🤷🏻
Sí, andaba apurado y coleccionando 😂
Tarde pero segura !!!😁 Te confieso que imaginé haberte comentado este Post desde ayer; estoy muy loca 🤭😜
En fin... Te cuento que para mí, la casa de las Américas fue el lugar para escuchar y descubrir a los mejores cantores que han pasado por esta ciudad (residentes o visitantes). El increíble concierto de Javier Ruibal con Tito Alcedo, o los conciertos de un Frank Delgado en sus mejores momentos, el mítico concierto de Gema Corredera y Pavel Urquiza. Y otros que ahora se me agolpan en la memoria pero que hicieron de mis noches habaneras el disfrute de la buena canción, los amores y la madrugada bohemia. 🙏
Oh, sí. Han sucedido tantas cosas buenas allí... yo iba a casi todo. Qué lindo leerte y dar este paseo bohemio por el recuerdo.
;) esa locura cuerda tan especial que te caracteriza, la amo.
Contra nani, you put it in china.jjajajajajajaja.
I really liked this post, it brings back memories of when I was in Havana marring the presentations of the troubadours. Many of the ones you mention and many others that performed in this place. The posters always catch my attention.
¿Qué puse en China? 😁
The winners are in 😇 --> @yanerkidiaz and @literal (con ayuda de mipiano) 🤣
First question: Rayuela is a book by Julio Cortázar.
Second question, answered in the image below which can be found in my post Strolling hypnotized?
I was glad you joined me on this tour of the Casa de las Américas.
Yes, the first one was easy, but it was already answered. I never found out about the second one.😂🤣😂🤣
Espera espera, estas diciendo que tienes un libro autografiado por Benedetti? 🤯 Y lo dices así tan tranquilamente como si fuera la cosa más normal del mundo? Que envidia😅
Sabes? yo tengo un sueño literario que espero algún día poder cumplir: que Leonardo Padura me firme un libro y estrecharle la mano, soy muy fan de él. Pero nunca me entero a tiempo de sus charlas o eventos🥲 Si por casualidad un día por tu trabajo te enteras de alguno avisame por faaa 🙏🥺
Lo del elefante no sé, como soy nuevo por acá supongo que me falta contexto. Pero la librería sí lo se, le debe su nombre a la novela de J. Cortazar, tengo una deuda con ese libro, quiero leerlo pero nunca me decido 😅.
Me encantó tu post, se nota que amas tu profesión, es algo que transmites al leerte.
Bienvenido a Hive por mi parte :)) psss - puedes encontrar aquí un poco de ayuda a la pregunta de la autora de este post. 😉
📸 pero si he dejado el vínculo de dónde está la respuesta. 👀 😋
Te avisaré cuando me entere para que cumplas tu sueño. Eso lo haré con mucho gusto, sí.
Me gusta mucho mi trabajo. En general no lo siento como trabajo, pues casi nunca es para mí fastidioso hacerlo. Al contrario, siempre encuentro en él mucha diversión.
La expresión de su rostro ese día, cuando me habló para luego firmar mi libro, está en mi mente guardada como un gran tesoro. Lástima que no tenía cámara entonces.
Me alegro que te haya gustado mi post ☺️🤗, gracias.
😍 Inducción cromática para la Habana de Carlos Cruz Diez 😁
Gracias a @mipiano que me dio la pista 😅
He pasado mil veces por ahí y nunca había mirado la placa
😅😂 ¿y cómo fue que ella te dio la pista?
¡En breve será inducido 1 cromohive a tu wallet!
😁Gracias 🙏🙏🙏
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