A 1000-year-old house from the old era.

Hello everyone. I hope everyone is well and I am well too. Today I will post photography.

Today we will discuss old houses. The old house I have photographed is basically an old house from a long time ago in a village.
Old houses from a long time ago usually reflect architectural styles, traditions, and cultures. They were built at different times, in different regions, and each house has its own characteristics and stories.

The design of old houses is usually combined with the traditional architecture of Mughal, British, Portuguese, or Bengal.
The houses were usually made of red brick, wood, lime-surki, and iron arches.
Many houses had wooden carvings on the doors and windows, paintings or designs on the walls.
Many houses had cooling systems inside, including large courtyards, verandas, and picturesque gardens.

Ahsan Manzil (Dhaka), Panam Nagar's old houses (Narayanganj), Tajhat Zamindar House (Rangpur). Thakur Bari (Kolkata) Sheth Zamindar House (Murshidabad), Chetla Raj Bari (Kolkata) Many old houses are neglected these days, but some houses have been preserved for tourism or as historical monuments.

The picture I took is of an old house from our village that dates back a long time ago. However, the owner of the house still lives here. He lives in the oldest palace-like house in our village. This house is basically an old house from 100 years ago. Only the owner lives here. No one else lives. However, the people of our village call it a haunted house. This house is set in the middle of 100 bigis. Surrounded by gardens and trees all around.

Everyone is afraid to come to this house. However, people come from far and wide to see these houses and there is a park next to it. The house is basically two-storeyed. When everyone comes to see this house, they see it from a distance and take pictures of it. To be honest, the house is very beautiful, but even though everyone comes to see it, some people are afraid to look at it.

Everyone stay well and stay healthy, I will be back with a new post.

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