Taking pictures of cats is always delightful, some seem to pose for the camera, others just ignore you.
Hacer fotografías de gatos siempre resulta encantador, algunos parecen que posan a la cámara, otros simplemente te ignoran
This time I was on my way back home when I felt that they were looking at me, and I just passed in front of a window of an abandoned house, there were some little cat eyes watching the people passing by, I approached carefully so as not to scare it and take a picture, out of nowhere appeared the other kitten, who climbed up to the window as if asking me for a picture when he saw that I was taking some pictures of the dark cat. What a nice coincidence to get them, these animals are so enigmatic and there are so many theories about their lives, so you can't miss a close up of a cat, they may not be the best photos in terms of light but I couldn't let this moment pass.
En esta oportunidad iba de regreso a casa cuando sentí que me miraban, y justo pasaba frente a una ventana de una casa abandonada, habían unos ojitos de gato observando las personas pasar, me acerqué con cuidado para no espantarlo y tomarle una foto, de la nada apareció el otro gatito, qué se subió a la ventana como pidiéndome una foto cuando vio que le tomaba unas al gato oscuro. Que bonita casualidad lograrlas, estos animales son tan enigmáticos y giran tantas teorías acerca de sus vidas, así que no hay que perder un acercamiento a un gato, puede que no sean las mejores fotos en cuanto a luz pero no podía dejar pasar este momento.
Thank you very much for your attention
Muchas gracias por su atención
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Aww so cute. I love cats and these pitures illustrate how curious but cautios at the same time they can be.
They are so courious that's so cute about their nature,, thanks for dropping by
The black cat understand camouflage. The other one, not so much :)
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Truee