I've been doing photography for quite a few years now and covered Still Life, Model / Fashion / Portrait, and Lightpainting. And while they have all been really enjoyable none have ever felt like I'm recording a snippet of real life like street photography has. While the above are largely staged pieces; products and items in a manufactured setting, models trying to convey an emotion, or the fun of staring down a hundred laser beams in a dark tunnel, none have ever conveyed to me as much that what I am recording tells a story. Until now.
I think this is why I haven't been on Hive for a while. I'd run out of images and wanted to build up a collection again, but also I was looking to do something different and expand. Earlier this year I made the jump from a Nikon DSLR to Sony Mirrorless camera and my God what a quantum leap. I love that I can see live, in my rear display the effect of changing the ISO, shutter speed and aperture before I've taken the shot.
So my first trip out was to York (On the train too!) and I wandered for several hours. I'd been watching a channel on Youtube called Optical Wander that was my inspiration for these shots.
That said my first shot was an impromptu grab in York Minster. The gentleman is a retired priest who now lends his time to show visitors around. From the image he conveys a fierceness that imagine an Irish Catholic would have! But when he turned around he had the nicest warmest and biggest smile..
Walking around York itsef and the Ramblers (The area around the Minster) there are a wealth of opportunitites to record people as they go about their lives, and this is where I was taking the shots that record that snippet of life, and that tell a story. I'm conscious that this can be seen as invasive and that is not my intention, I always endeavoured to be respectful polite.
Oh yeah and there was a random Goose, in the middle of the city..
A big part of York too is the Train Museum. I'm not a train spotter myself but I did enjoy a walk around the place, followed by a few shots in the station before heading home..
As a photographer I try to mix what I do in my shots, I've done still life, some macro work, lightpainting and I enjoy a good model shoot. If you'd like to check out any of my other work I'm on Facebook, or you can find me on Instagram under neilru75
For more great Light Art Photography, Light Painting and inspiration check these light painters: @fastchrisuk @marlasinger666 @fadetoblack @dawnoner @oddballgraphics @martbarras @stepko @rod.evans.visual @yo-hoho @maxpateau @gunnarheilmann @maximepateau @ryuslightworks @lightstabeu
Thanks very much for looking
Kind Regards, Neil
Dude... These shots are incredible!
Thank you very much 😁
You're very welcome! Cheers!
Still think he looks like Kreacher, the house elf off of Harry Potter.... 😂
Cool set of street photos @neilru75 , my favorite is the man on the train looking at his phone❗️
The first picture of the priest is pretty cool too, love the light on him and his expression, he does look a bit serious, thx for the comment about him 😅❗️
The feeling and color of the photos stuck to me. I enjoyed . Congratulations on switching from Nikon to Sony. Amazing Sony camera. I enjoy upgrading equipment