The General Lee

So this post may be more a sentimental one than a study in photography for me, but a couple of Christmas' ago my wife bought me a voucher for a driving experience, and it was to drive the General Lee from The Dukes of Hazzard, which was one of my favourite shows growing up in the 80's.

I used to love watching the show when I was young and always enjoyed the adventures of Bo and Luke Duke and how they would thwart Boss Hogg pretty uch every week. So to drive their car was an absolute joy. It was also my first experience driving an American let handed drive, and it was the size of a boat compared to most UK cars!

I will start with my favourite shot which was me in the driving seat on my 2nd lap. I was being instructed by one of the track drivers at the time to get the most from my experience, advising when to put my foot down and the best racing line round the track..


Next we have a couple of shots of the car itself. I wish I'd been able to lift the bonnet for a look under the hood, but will have to settle for some exterior shots..

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However the race track that I used, (Everyman racing in Loughborough I think?) had a selection of movie and TV cars which included Nic Cage's Eleanor from Gone in 60 seconds..

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The Trans-Am from Smokey and the Bandit..

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I think this may have been a Transformer? But without any signage this is difficult to say..


And my favourite, my second choice if I go back one day, the A-Team van!

This is from the era where Saturday tea time and evening telly rocked! This van is iconic..


The only thing missing was KITT from Knight Rider!

If I remember correctly the day was scorching hot, but such fun, and the memories are making me want to go back again!

Again apologies that these aren't arty photographs, flashy lightpainting, or sultry models, this one is pure 80's telly coming of age TV nostalgia for me

As a photographer I try to mix what I do in my shots, I've done still life, some macro work, lightpainting and I enjoy a good model shoot. If you'd like to check out any of my other work I'm on Facebook, or you can find me on Instagram under neilru75

Thanks very much for looking

Kind Regards, Neil


The Dukes of Hazzard, Knight Rider, I think that we have a lot in common Neil!
Bo and Luke Duke practically taught me to drive and it took me decades to become a more ordinary driver :)
Driving General Lee must have been one hell of an experience!

Haha! Yeah I remember asking my mum if we could jump a roundabout on the way to Skegness just like the Dukes of Hazzard! Awe good times, and they definitely don't make 'em like they used to!

This is super cool. As a kid... it took me a long time to realize that cars don't normally jump. I thought, after seeing Dukes of Hazard, that cars had a jump button or pedal. hahaha
That A-Team van looks legit too!