I am NOT a train spotter!
I just want to say that from the offset. Nothing against train spotters, I know of someone who does this and my uncle enjoyed going to see steam engines, but trainspotting as a whole, isn't for me.
That said I've had some great shots this year in train stations. I think largely due to the people there and getting 'People' shots. But on a recent trip to York I headed to the train museum for a wander and really enjoyed it.
I don't think what I've included below is hugely "trainy" (invented a new word there!), more recording interesting POV's while I was there and people, but for a free venue (You can pay a donation which is optional) this was actually a really good trip out.
Once I headed in, there are mock platforms setup with a variety of carriages and setups, old and new..
There was also what could have been an old Royal carriage, it was certainly very posh!
After this I headed into what felt like a storage section. There was another carriage setup that you could look through the window at..
and then it was a wander around a selection of signs, and fittings and some models..
I had to do the odd people shot too, just cos its me..
If I have duplicated any shots here from previous posts I do apologise, it's not intentional.
As a photographer I try to mix what I do in my shots, I've done still life, some macro work, lightpainting and I enjoy a good model shoot. If you'd like to check out any of my other work I'm on Facebook, or you can find me on Instagram under neilru75
Thanks very much for looking
Kind Regards, Nei
These are some fantastic shots bro! Great job
Thank you ☺️