British shorthair

in Photography Lovers3 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone!
I haven't written anything for a long time. This is because we were moving from one apartment to another. The new, second apartment welcomed us in a desperate condition.

I try not to remember how dirty he was.
Let's start with a more cheerful theme.

Today's topic is dedicated to our four-legged furry creature.

Last September, we came up with the idea of ​​having another pet.
Since we fell in love with this type of cat, at first sight, we decided to have one at home.
The British shorthair cat has a calm character. They are great if you have a little child.

They are always ready to play, but! They get tired quickly. Leni (Lazy) after a few minutes of playing.

Characteristics of these cats are a small head, large eyes that resemble a full moon in color, and small ears. Most of them are short-haired, but long-haired are also recognized. They come in several hundred variations, but their most famous color is blue and silver tabby (Best known to us as Whiskas).

On average, an adult male weighs between six and nine kilograms. They grow and develop even up to the third year. Leni is one year old and weighs seven kilograms.

I read somewhere that BSH is bad with children. Pure lie. He often sits next to the child and watches him play. If you need to help a child do something stupid, he is the first to volunteer.
Their fight over the blanket is pure comedy. Not even a child, let alone a cat, will give up the blanket. He will hit him with his paw. He will never scratch or bite him.

But there is no peace at night. He runs around the apartment and bites our fingers if they are not under the blanket.

If there is no food in the bowl, an alarm will sound.

All in all, they are really fun cats.

They like to cuddle, but they will allow it when they want to. It is enough to sit on the sofa.

On average, they live longer than other cats.
If you want a cat like this, you will have to pay between 500 and 1500 euros.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments down.👇
Thank you for your attention.Until the next writing.👋😍