Light Signs

Hungry? Ignite the fire. Flame on higher. Sizzle on the grill. Eggs served up smart. Eggsmart. What? Eggs are smart now? Oh, wait, no, got it wrong. EggsMart, filling the grocery cart at the Supermart, a bounty beauty of white wedding dressed golden yolks. I think I just figured out the sales pitch blitz of this all day breakfast spot. What’s sad about that is I’ve eaten at this very spot more times than I can count. It’s always been Smart Eggs to me. It’s only now I see how it truly be.

Rushing on into the night, searching for a real delight. Maybe an unholy donut will fill your hole whole. An unending pink puffed blue tube lacy white frosted so bright, follow the light. Away with ye nasty gluten sugar poison filled food porn bombs sure to kill me on the spot! I can’t even look at you evil donuts without feeling ill. Wheat is indigestible for me and pastries have never been my pleasure hole.

Futures are at stake, no time for donut breaks. There’s a light that might be true, guide me through and through. Master Tarot reader to the rescue, oh bless you! Thusly did the reading commence after I forked over far too many pence.

It’s a distorted, misaligned, twisted heart in opposition to that golden light. “You see the issue is that you need to correct your course, reconnect and move as one”, speaks the Master Tarot reader, eyes glittering darkly, “Take this card with you”. Snatching it up, I tuck it away while sprinting across the floor and out the door.

I’m standing still, heart pumping, blood racing chasing to catch up. Sighting through that single eye, shutter pop, stop, a curving heart plops. I reach inside to see it’s the exact reflection of the card that was handed to me.

A big black silhouetted tree with silent scream appears in my waking walking dream seemingly impaled from behind. Is it the sign? This isn’t sublime. I’m running out of time to deal with the spear here.

Flash blur racing on past at last, it’s missed me with its menacing gnarly groping grasp bleeding into the sign of times gone by.

Glowing massage offerings dripping down, tension release that beast of longing. Muscle cramp my style, this isn’t the massage I’m seeking. It’s my back that’s blatantly bleating a blistering pain in my rump. Now I’m stumped.

What can I say? Clearly it’s all well plus good wavy line sights and all. What a formula. What does Well + Good mean? What are they really saying? I’m so often stymied by marketing ploys, strategies, signs, and campaigns causing me pain enough to abstain.

All photos taken by Nine with a Pentax digital 35mm camera.
WOW! Love the colours and words going with it.
Post Blade Runner hypertones
Haha, thank you @aagabriel! Love the Post Blade Runner reference, lol.
Psychedelic trip to the donut hole in the sky. Love the effects you got there.
3 thumbs up, Chernobyl style.
LOL! Love your description. Thank you @rubido! I hope you're managing okay, been thinking of you.
I'm just gonna say it: your hearts look like dicks. And I don't mean jerks.
If I could eat a mean wheat donut pastry at night while getting a massage it would be all well plus good. Alas, wheat is unholy when it sins into my digestive system. Eggs are ok, though. As long as they finished high school.
😂 I was waiting to see if someone else saw what I saw. It's a sign on the edge of a corner of a building along with mural, half a face, with the neon sign in half of heart shaped glasses. The business is a tattoo parlour, lol.
Wheat is totally unholy.
LOL! Love me some eggs anytime!
hahaha probably other people saw it but were afraid to say anything. I always enjoy pointing out phalluses, breasts, vaginas, and other socially inappropriate things to point out when they are blatantly obvious. I don't do it at work, though.
I bet you're right. I wish people wouldn't be afraid to speak freely. I love it that you pointed them out and that this is your way of being (but not at work), LOL!
Yay! 🤗
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hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha minus the "thought of" here. 😏
Well, of course, it's all a fluid movement with you. 😏
Clear Distortion is total clickbait. Very cool image. Can't skip it. Or design, photomanip, whatever you call it.
When I saw massage I went back to the dicks like yup, she did that.
Thank you. All of these are "in the moment", so unplanned other than taking shots and seeing what happens. I can tell you, that trying to photoshop this kind of thing would make me want to rip my fingernails out, lol.
LOLOL! I just knew you'd appreciate that. Thanks.