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RE: Photographic Ruin and Insecurity - On Starting from Scratch and planning for the future

from your happiness and existence

Would you be offended if I laughed at the idea of happiness and my existence being combined?

I took the time because I cannot get to know anyone without making the time to do so. If I don't know someone at least a little, conversation stays on a superficial level of fluff that means nothing to one who values quality.

Now that you're marinated in my mindset

I like the image those words just inspired in my mind. The knife edge is a metaphor I use that has several simultaneous meanings. In regard to yourself, you'll land where you choose to land in each moment. It's all about what you consent to.

Sadly, I've agreed to 2nd shoot another wedding next weekend, and I know that I'm going to regret my decision after the fact, but hey, its the promise of more money.

How did that work out? Also, I have to ask you, if you know you're going to regret it after the fact, why do it? If it's purely about the carrot promise of money that you need and/or want, I get that. Lots of people choose that direction. The key element is being okay with yourself choosing that direction, otherwise there is this ongoing internal struggle, unless you like that state of being. It's all individual. It's all up to you.


Oh it took place, that other wedding. It didn't end up being 2nd shooter, but I was the primary. It was tedious and "delicate" until the end, when there was about 500 different combinations of people with the bride and groom. I started taking group portraits at 9pm and the venue kicked everyone out at mid night :P

That was ~500 images and three hours without a break. Lucky the cameras were tripod mounted for this section and the static lights were easy enough to set up.

happiness and existence

These two are often not compatible with one another. I understand what you're getting at here. :) You've got to be somewhat miserable to be able to create anything at all.


Is an horrendously long word. I loathe small talk. I want to dive straight into deep, philosophical debates with people that is just (to quote Alanis Moriesette) - intellectual intercourse. That doesn't come often, but I'd argue its just as satisfying as the carnal version.

I've been all over the place the last few days. I've still got another 6 or so days off work, so I've been trying to stay away from a keyboard as much as I can.

All that packed into three hours. That takes patience and organization; respect. I'd literally rip out my eyeballs doing that kind of thing.

These two are often not compatible with one another. I understand what you're getting at here. :)

😂, you see it.
I'll have to observe myself more closely in the moment to see the degree of miserableness that is present. It's hard to see that in any of my creative processes, with the notable exception of some content I've written for posts.


is also a lengthy word 😂, not that I'm meaning to be obstreperous in noting that.

Deep diving straight into a discourse is satisfyingly delicious. I think of small talk as surfing, snorkling is a bit deeper, and deep diving as levels down to the ocean floor.

Away from the keyboard for a break is excellent regular practice. Off work is precious time.

Fun fact: I can't swim. I go straight to drowning. Easy to get overwhelmed. :)

That's hilarious! I'm not convinced about "easy to get overwhelmed"...not getting that impression at all.

Mainly with people. Mostly with tasks. With conversation and creative endeavours, there's no boundary to the energy I can expend.

Okay, that now makes more sense and matches.

How does it make thin twigs of engineered timber and sulphur / magnesium?