
Thanks. I've learned a lot from the cannabis community here on Hive to get where I am now.

They got paid to teach and you got paid to learn. Wow. This place is fascinating.

Are you into making concentrates? I made some with just stems and sticks; scraps basically. Was actually quite potent.

I’ve never gotten into making concentrates, but it is something I have been interested in. I have infused oils and butters with it to make different edibles. There is so much you can do with the plant.

Fun to mess around with if you're doing it safely.

The only downside I find with consuming smokable concentrates is how it affects my tolerance. Way more THC in one hit. Smoke it for a couple weeks then strong bud feels like weak bud, which isn't cool.

The main way I consume my cannabis is with my Volcano. I don’t really mess around with anything else. I make butters and stuff for people that don’t want to deal with flower at all and are looking for an easy way to get the benefits.

I'm oldschool. Basic pipe, pack a bowl, light it. Good enough for me. Edibles just make me sleep but that's my fault because I go for the hero dose every time.

lol. I hate the smell of smoke, so that is why I use the vaporizer. I also try not to overdo it with how much I have. I use it more medicinally anyways. There are some times that I pack the bowl ok the volcano pretty full though and get a bit blasted, but then I do some yoga and listen to music and float around in outer space for a while.