We went to regular beaches, but more often went down to some hard-to-reach parts of the coast. In one such place, I came across countless stone figures.
In fact, it was already a well-known skill, the art of balancing stones in nature. At that time, I was not too fascinated by the figures themselves, while on the other hand, I was astonished by the overall scenery.
Countless figures were lined up on the sharp rocks which protruded from the water as well as from the shore itself.
It was only later that I noticed a motionless gentleman sitting among the figures, like some supreme deity watching over his newly created children.
I don’t think he was too keen on the newcomers.
Shortly afterward, on several trips, I started building my own figures, so-called stone idols.
Here are some of them, that could find their place in a photo project called "Living stone".