I like to thing if we open our eyes and look around we can find beauty in everything, dang I once did a post about rubbish tins in NYC and tried to pitch even trash can be seen as beautiful looked at in the right way and with the right perspective, and I think if you try to go through life looking for the good and beauty all around you, you will find yourself a lot happier and content.
Oh man there is some very solid truth in this right here! For me, it is all about perspective. And I take this literally and figuratively as well.
If you find something displeasing in form or appearance, then try viewing from a higher or lower level. Our perspective of things can be altered dramatically by changing the level on how we are viewing it.
It seems as though we have lost the ability to disagree and still remain friendly. Differences of opinions is what makes our species so splendidly beautiful and just because I may not believe exactly as someone else does not mean I have hate or distaste for them in the slightest. Funny how we've let it come to this socially.
I think were on the same wavelength here, both about finding beauty anywhere if we look from different perspectives.
and yes I would like to think I havent lost the ability to hear differing opinions without getting irate, but sadly it seems so many others have, the anger and insults we see on social media these days is quite disturbing
It has such a cancerous poison to it and it makes me weep for what we will become if we don't attempt to correct it.
I got so caught up in those thoughts I forgot to comment on the photos lolol I've mentioned my adoration for boats and I'm pretty sure it goes back to what I consider to be my hometown in coastal Georgia. There was always a fleet of shrimp boats tied up or coming and going and their silhouette against the sky, day or night, was beautiful to me. That first picture reminded me of those shrimp boats and the hard men who had to work them!
Exactly the time for a change to happen is now and I hope it will come, but am not so sure it will
The port here is one of the busiest in the country from what I have read, I see the boats going on most days on my early morning walks