During my dark days, nature is the healer.

Whenever I feel trapped and helpless, due to circumstances beyond my control, nature welcomes me with warm and open arms. Been going through hectic days, as my iron level is critical, and no cause can be found. I cannot explain to you how awful it makes one feel when the iron level is in the basement of the body. But it is the pictures that I take that keep me sane.

I have had a blood transfusion and an iron infusion, but they didn't work. Then I have been sent to a hospital in one of the city suburbs where I had a cauterization procedure of some lesions in my stomach at the 3rd visit. The problem here was that the original gastro doctor left, and a new doctor performed the cauterization procedure. Then I was booked for a follow up visit on Monday this week and there was yet another new doctor. This is a government hospital where one has to wait in the queues for most of the day. Note that we had to travel to that government hospital in the other area, up and down for 3 visits. So, it's in at 5am each time, and out at 4pm.




This was no joke, and the latest decision was that the doctor gave me a transferring letter to present at the government hospital in our own town. With the instruction for them to do an iron infusion, so we came back and presented the letter at our local hospital. But nobody knew where or to which department we had to go for the treatment. So we ended up at the emergency department. A guy at the reception gave us a form to complete and then he said that we have to go and wait in the queue inside.



As we went inside there were about 30 people waiting in the queue. Now bear in mind that we had already waited for most of the day at the other hospital and you cannot blame me for deciding to leave, as I didn't want to wait for another 3 or 4 or more hours to see a doctor that might send me somewhere else. So, if I say that it was a mess, let me assure you that it was a royal mess and I have had enough of it. NO MORE!




Oh! Before I forget, the 1st of August was a full moon day and here below is my version of the full moon.

At first, I had to wait for the moon to clear.

Then a few hours later it was up high.

And finally my zoom showed us the real full moon.

The final part of the hospital venture was that I decided to ask our home doctor to do the infusion and we bought the vials ourselves. If you think that it was over, think again. It is now 4 days later. The first hospital pharmacy charged us a very steep price for the vials, a price that we simply could not afford. So we cancelled the order, and another pharmacy charged us more than 50% less.
In the morning we will collect the vials and then at noon the infusion will be done. It is however only a temporary fix, and we still have to search for the cause.
Such is life.

I hope that you have enjoyed the pictures.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting the post.


I can feel you. Whenever I go to camping and have the same feelings I want to share it with people as well. And im sorry to hear that overpriced treatment... it is so annoying that we have to take it anyways

Oh yes, I love to share my passions. Nothing that we can do about it and we can only endure it. Annoying indeed!

I hope you'll get better soon. And I do hope as well that the government hospital will be more accessible and affordable to everyone at all times, and not constantly send the patients anywhere else when they're already seeking for immediate help.

Thank you! It is what it is and it's indeed a sad situation that the sick people have to endure. My problem with the whole setup is that there are not enough permanent doctors and everyone is overworked. They are trying their best, but they face mountains of work, and I can't see any improvement if the understaffing problem is not solved.

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Hope you get a good doctor and consistently good care. Loved the first picture of the full moon, all the other pics were great as well. Take care

Thank you Sofs and we will simply continue to search for a solution to the cause.
It seems that the framed full moon is popular and I am glad that you liked it, and the other pics.

I hope and pray that they find what is causing you all this trouble and fix it permanently. Sending prayers and good wishes your way.

Been a long road in the search for the cause, but I will never give up.
Thank you so much for the prayer and your kind wishes.
Blessings and !PIZZA

Nature helps a lot and there is nothing as beautiful as it is...
When we are sad, the view of nature helps to soothen our heart by making us calm

So true and it's always my first place to go to whenever I have troubles. Only beauty and the truth can be found in nature, that makes it easy on my mind.

Clouds looks so beautiful and the mood looks so bright and pretty good if we staring at for a while we will feel some relaxation of mind 🤍🤍

The beauty is free medicine for my mind and you are correct, as nature can also stimulate relaxing thoughts in the mind and soul.

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And I hate to go to the doctors because sometimes you have to wait for an hour or two ... I think I have to change my mind about that.

May your search will soon find a successful end, my friend, that's all I can say and hope 🙏

I love the cloudy mountains and the sun rays in the other shot, but my favourite is the first moon photo - great framing 👉👍


I would really be happy to wait if it's an hour or two my friend. But sadly there are rows and rows of sick people and it takes a long time to work through all of them. Thankfully I am not going back 😊

Thank you and I explained a bit about what we have done thus far in the previous reply. We are also researching all of the other solutions. First priority is to get my iron level up. So let's see how it goes 🙏

Thank you again and I was not in a state to go and get the moon on the mountains, so I improvised with a tree here in our road back home. I waited for the moon to rise behind the tree and then framed it with the tree branches, Glad that you liked it my friend 😊

Cheers and thanks.

Sometimes people get even sicker while waiting at the doctor's. I really hope that the way you are going now will work 🙏

As I said before: the gray ball alone in the sky is boring to me, but images like this one are different and interesting and so much better 👏

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Thank you and all that we have is prayer Hannes, but of course it is the best thing to have 🙏

Strange that you should say this, as I feel the same. That's why I tried some props and after that I had to show the full ball for the purists. Glad that you liked it 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

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@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
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@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !


$PIZZA slices delivered:
papilloncharity tipped redheadpei
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@johannpiber(3/20) tipped @papilloncharity (x2)

I pray that your heath improves and any required treatments etc. will not be so stressful. I'm too scared to require any form of medical treatment again (recently had to have a nerve tumour removed from my left hand).. so I can somewhat relate to some of your stress. My faith, music and love for all nature all helped. Hope things get better for you soon. Stay safe.

Thank you and fortunately I have had many medical experiences in the past. Once I escaped death by a whisper after a severe road accident, so I am used to the battle.
Faith, music and nature forms a powerful combination to carry one through the bad experiences in life and it certainly make things easier to bear.
You also take care!

Hey @ma3str0, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

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Lovely shots of the moon and clouds. The third photo down looks like a Santa Claus hat cloud.

Sorry to hear you had such a long wait and still no solution to the health problem. Vitamin C is suppose to help with iron deficiency. Oranges, clementines and orange juice are a good source.

Take care Sir Stephen and have a good weekend.

Thank you Lady Jo. I was fascinated by that Santa hat formation.

A sad story, but life continues and I am the kind that never gives up. The problem is that my body refuses to absorb iron. No matter what we try, iron supplements, vitamin C, bone broth and many other "cures", oh and also ferratin capsules, but nothing works.
So, I have now had an iron infusion directly into my veins on Thursday and will have another one next week Thursday. Then I have to wait for 6 weeks to do a blood test in order to see if my iron level has escalated.

I hope that your weekend is good.


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Hoping everything works out Sir Stephen. Positive thoughts.

Thank you milady ❤️