Thankfully the heat is back over here and we are slowly creeping into the 30 degrees Celsius.
Another month will see us into the 40s and then the battle starts, as we will be approaching the 50s. Times when you can fry an egg on a rock lol.
You have some excellent photos here and one can feel the cold. Maybe you should start thinking about a different storage place for the stuff in the garage?
You seem to enjoy the hot weather - at least more than me. I am pretty "hot-blooded" it seems, which means in winter I prefer to sleep with the window open, but I am no longer allowed :D
At the moment, the stuff in the garage will mostly be moved inside once we have some space. What is blocking the car is renovation materials and equipment, which will slowly be removed as we progress. The garage will be pretty empty later. :)
Ha, no my friend and here's a surprise as I also prefer winter. My best operating temperature is 23C and as the temp creeps up to the 50s, so my energy wanes.
We don't go below zero here in winter and in the sixes and the nines I can walk around with my camera only wearing a shirt, so it is the opposite as now in summer I have to cover up, else I get what they call heat hives on my skin. The condition started in 2012 and only Cortisone pills can control it.
Yeah, I figured that was the problem and it was the same with my own previous house renovations, so I added a second garage. At first it was just a carport that I added next to the existing garage to cover the car, but eventually I broke trough the existing garage wall and turned it into a double garage. The added section made for a great tool room.
From experience I can tell you that there are very few empty garages around, as people always stash things in them lol.
23 sounds about right for me too.
I wear a T for as long as I can so that in the winter, I don't have to rug up like an Eskimo! :D
We won't add any new structures yet - other than the deck and the small glasshouse.
I fear if we ever have to move again :D
Sorry for the late reply here my friend. Glitches and things!
We a similar in trying to last as long as we can in winter, but when the camera struggles to zoom in the cold, then it's time to go the Eskimo route.
You hopefully have a long future there and will have plenty of time to decide on any more additions. Let's hope that Hive will be on top of the boards one of these days :)
Yes, I have also seen how guys stash their garages and some guys even build platforms in the roof of the garage for extra storage space lol.
Try not to think about moving again until you turn 90 as then it will be time to scale down hahaha.