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RE: Papillon took two Hive members on a tour.

Great that you finished it, and not good news about the stomach bug. We also had it and it was a very painful struggle. Stress doesn't do wonders for it either, and you have to be very careful of burnout, as it is always a worry.

Now Dr. Phil, no philosophical lessons for me, as I am half mad already, but if you need a sounding board, then I am your man !LOLZ

 last year  

If I can only keep it at bay for a while. There are so many opportunities, and you need to say no to some of them and take others. I managed to get the marking job for UNISA, I cannot remember if I told you about it with our last visit? And I am going to present a couple of articles this year again. So hopefully I can just keep the total burnout at bay. I am counting on my youthful brain.

I will let you know how it goes. Sometimes madness is the door to greatness haha.

A good idea to keep it at bay my friend. Yeah, I remember that you mentioned the UNISA job and so congratulations. Soon you will be completely familiar with the article presentation system and just maybe you will again have a few winners.

Yep! Let me know!


 last year  

I am so sorry about this almost two-week delay in response. I also almost did not post anything. It seems like time management just flies out of the window in crunch times haha. I am flying to Pretoria at the end of the week, and I still have so many things to do.

Life waits for now one right?

I will let you know how things go! I am having a lot of beneficial conversations with some big names in philosophy and other areas of academia. They seems to like my work. There is also talk about beginning an association for philosophical counselling in South Africa between other big philosophers. So, there is some light in the tunnel!

I hope you are doing well?

Well, think about it this way, you have escaped the hassle of the power cuts, as we are supposed to be used to it, but it remains to be a hassle to get things done.
So I presume that you are in Pretoria now?

It seems that you are on the right track, and an association of philosophical counseling might just be what the country needs. I am glad to hear that they like your work, as that is always good news.

I am doing as best as I can, and you are obviously doing the same under the circumstances. So just keep on going. !LOLZ

 last year  

Just keep jumping! That is my life motto now.

Not yet, I am flying on Friday evening. For now, I am running around trying to get everything done in time. Time management, as I said on another comment in discussion with Joan, is a rare skill. Even with it, it seems that time runs out too quickly.

When we get back in the Cape, we should meet up again. I will sit together with my other half and see when we both are together in the Cape.

A good motto, and so strange, as I have just now discussed the flying time lately with another friend on hive. So lately you just keep on jumping and the time just keeps on flying !LOLZ

Good idea to meet again and fare thee well.

 last year  

That is the problem, right? For some reason it feels like everything is just speeding up. My dad and I both feel close to burning out and it is not even close to the end of the first semester, in fact only first term! Three terms remain. But these are silent wakeup calls to react before time runs/flies out!

BEERHey @fermentedphil, here is a little bit of from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

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