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RE: Traveling to visit another town.

Oh yes, we read and heard about that wrecking hail storm and if I remember correctly, it happened last year too in another area. The weather is mad nowadays.



Storms very much more brutal of late, when grown people become afraid one can only imagine the wildlife under stressful conditions.

Level 6 and just back on now after a 4 hour power cut. 4-8PM.

Shame yes, we also always worry about the wildlife.

They are sick puppies, steal finance, maintain nothing? 🤑

Care about wildlife it safer for our mental stability !LOLZ

The way of life methinks. !LOLZ

Agreed and also care for the real needy people.

We have to be extra careful who we assist of late, so many drug addicts taking food selling to make money for their habits. Very dodgy things happening in our area, one is reluctant to give over the gate as we have done for many years.

Sadly one has to keep donations going through NGO/NPO's, churches or local community support groups.

We learned that lesson in the early years of the Papillon charity Lady Joan. I can tell you some cleverly invented scam stories that will make you very angry, but we have put it behind us in gratitude for the lessons.
The saddest thing is that we lost volunteer staff when they discovered that they fell for a scam story and lost their money. Some of them even said that they will stop giving to "poor" people because their money gets spent on drugs.

It is best to rather give to the ones that you mention, as everyone that has been in the charity fields have the experience to avoid the cons. So you know that your money will be used for the correct purposes.


Some characters really skimming people out there today, sadly older folk fall for it not knowing this ugly side of life.

Those who are honestly seeking assistance will find it in the right places.