Somebody got the day and the time wrong here.

Time for a smile on your Friday and I hope that this will be a spirit lifter.

They gathered for the Sunday service, all dressed up and ready. Only trouble was that their leader got the day wrong, as today is Friday.

I have three short stories for you in here today, in an effort to hopefully get you smiling on this happy Friday.
It is all about the life of birds and their adoption of human structures in the bird's territories. Erstwhile there were only forests and nature here, but the human designers and town planners decided to claim the ground with no compensation to the birds. So the birds did what birds do, by claiming their territory back and the bonus is that they use the human structures for their own benefit.
This is Story 1.

Attention, attention, was heard from the speaker of the helicopter. Today is Friday and there is no church service.

Red in his face (wings), the leader jumped up at the right, so ashamed at his silly mistake and he took off.

But his congregation was unforgiving, and they took off after him to get some revenge.

Story 2.

This water fountain was designed to give the business center a classical feel.

But the birds interpreted it as a gift of a bird bath for them.

Clean and neat they can go to their office every day.

Story 3.

This little guy decided that he had had enough of his nest in the roof of a restaurant. And so he popped down to sit inside on a windowsill.

This is what he looked like from the outside.

The owner of the restaurant showed us his mother close by and the owner complained that the birds poop on the plates laid out on his tables :)
I told him that at least the birds had manners, as they didn't poop on the floor, leaving landmines for guests to step in :)

So mankind and the featherkind are forced to live together and I am sure that if the birds could talk, they will also have a lot to say about the people that invade their territories.
It is human nature that when they see a lush and beautiful area in nature, then they want to own it. Then they build houses and eventually a town in the area and with all of the ugly buildings springing up, the area loses its luster. Soon, the rivers become soiled and a manifold of traces appear all over left by the actions of man.

The good thing is that the birds think that it's all done for them and they accept it with open wings. Why nest in a thorny tree when you can nest inside a dry and lovely roof? Or why bath in a dam where predators can get you instead of a lovely and safe fountain.
I think that I love the birds way of thinking :)

I hope that you enjoyed the photos and the stories.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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This is a sad reality. Humans are occupying the habit of these innocent God's beautiful creatures. You are right, if only they can talk, they would probably ask the humans to return the territories they owned.

They are friendly, and may they will have a peaceful life.

The photography is amazing. I like it.

I think that the birds should establish a political party to claim their land back 😊
God protects his creatures and they do indeed have a peaceful life, as long as the humans stay away from them.
Thank you kindly for the compliment.


Haha, I love your short stories! Some more religious people would jump in birds defence to say any day is good to attend a mass in church 😉

I do love the colours on that naughty pigeaon. Very unusual and beautiful 💙

Thank you Monika, and that building's doors were closed 😊
When that naughty pigeon grows up it will look like its mother. Those adult pigeons certainly have beautiful colors.


Those in my garden are all grey and they poop in my garden toilet 🚽 😂

Oops, maybe you put out some toilet paper for them 😜

I love how you stitch the photos together in a short narrative! Lovely work

Thank you and just having some fun.
I think that you and @fermentedphil have similar interests, so give him a look up.

It is @fermentedphil who helped me to get live on Hive 😀

Ah! Okay, then you are in good hands :)

I loved your stories @papilloncharity. Happy New Year!

Thank you, my friend, and may this new year also be kind to you and your family.


Thank you! 🤗

The stories were all good. There is really a lot to say about the cruelty of humans to birds.

Thank you, not only to the birds, but to everything else including each other.

Have more !PIZZA for your morning meal 🍕

More like a mourning meal !PIZZA